Saturday, June 11, 2011

Week 52 - The Future and The Last Week of the Challenge!

First of all congratulations to all of you that stuck with the 52 weeks. If you have please share your story. I will offer a small prize to the winner which will be determined by me based on who I think exhibited the essence of the challenge.

The Challenge:

You've done a lot so kick back and close your eyes and smile as you imagine all of your dreams manifested in the future. Whether you are a big dreamer or good goal setter it doesn't matter. What makes you successful is your eye on the prize.

What I'm working on:

My next book proposal that will be part of the Yen Path series. That book will probably have a DVD too because it will be more about yoga poses (and a fun approach to life change). I have been dreams for the future and earlier today wrote them down. Maybe you will want to write yours down too. Won't it be fun to look back some day on the list?

Special thanks and many blessings to each of you that travels on Yen Path -- It's your path towards your desires so go for it. And if you want start the 52 weeks again or go back to your favorite posts. Share with the people you love as well.

If you haven't yet please purchase Yen Path: Taking Steps Towards What You Want in Life. It went international and orders are being taken in Australia and the UK!

Again thanks, many blessings and be well.

Love, Jen

Monday, June 6, 2011

Week 51 - Present

Have you ever heard the saying that the present moment is a gift? Therefore this weeks challenge is just that! Not only will we focus on the present moment but also I want each of you to buy yourself a little gift for your efforts this past year.

The Challenge:
1) Take a moment to focus on right now. When I do this I usually find everything gets very simple because usually the present moment is just that. It is usually the thoughts about past or future that complicate things. Notice what your 5 senses tell you. Notice your breath and relax. Yoga classes always end with relaxation and since we are only a week away from the end of our challenge I want you to relax and enjoy the simplicity and the success you have created. You are a creator. You alone have created your accomplishments. In yoga the god Shiva is the creator and destroyer. So are we. You can create or destroy your dreams. It can seem easy to blame others but consider the hope and empowerment of working around the "I can't because..." sentences.

2) Go buy yourself a gift! Maybe it's just a celebratory cup of coffee or maybe a trinket to remind you of the challenge. I'd love to hear what you get so please tell me!

What I'm working on:
My meditation practice is usually just taking a few moments to be mindful. Usually when I'm out walking the dogs. They remind me to be present and in this case are my teachers. As they sniff and stand around I try to enjoy the present moment vs. being frustrated that they aren't walking fast enough or doing their business. Note: The key word in the last sentence is try...when I'm in a hurry or hot in the 90 plus degrees and high humidity sometimes the present moment isn't as pleasant as it is in the cool house :)

Jody got me a beautiful necklace on his trip to Mexico. Plus my time in Portland with Jody and my friends and now here in FL with my mom and pets has been an amazing gift. This past year I have spent a lot of time alone and time with people has been wonderful and the best gift ever. The fact that my new book Yen Path: Taking Steps Towards What You Want in Life has been published and I am having successes with promotion and sales is a great gift too! Mom's going to take me to dinner at our favorite organic restaurant to celebrate... I feel so blessed!

I also asked my nephew Stephen to create a logo for my next book idea which will be part of the Yen Path brand. He decided to go to school to be a graphic designer so I thought I would give him a shot and he did not disappoint! In July I will start that book proposal and a few other new business ventures.

I hope you have enjoyed this year as much as I have. Times of extreme growth can bring about growing pains and I sure did experience those as well. But now all that pain is behind me as I sit in my present moment with the gifts I have given myself -- accomplishing my goals. All 3 of my goals have been accomplished and to sit with that in this moment is extremely gratifying.

You have the tools to move ahead -- but let's save that for next week; our last week of the challenge will focus on just that -- the future!


Week 50 - Memories

First I want to apologize for the late post (technical difficulties). The good news is Yen Path: Taking Steps Towards What You Want in Life has been released so please purchase your copy online at Amazon or Barnes and Noble. And remember to get a copy for someone you care about as well. I'm in Portland Oregon spending time with my husband and promoting the book. Special thanks to Tektronix and Portland General Electric for allowing me to come share tips from the book with their employees.
Being that it was Memorial Day on Monday I wanted to have this challenge be about memories. And this works out perfectly because then the last two posts will be on the present and looking towards the future. Seems like a perfect way to wrap up.
Memorial Day is a great way to remember the men and women that have protected us so I first want to take a moment to offer my personal thank you to everyone in the armed forces and our vets.

The Challenge:

Memories are very powerful because they can actually change over time. Something that seems awful at the time may now appear to be a great blessing because it forced you to change what was not working for you. In the moment it an seem scary to change but if you reflect back you can see it from a different perspective. Perspective is reality.

This week I want you to do just this. Reflect back on something that seemed painful but brought about some positive change in your life. If you really cannot think of something then take a moment right now to believe that this challenging moment will move you somewhere that you can then reflect back on later with gratitude. Believe in your heart that you can create great memories for the future.

What I'm working on:
As I reflect back over this past year I am overwhelmed with gratitude. It has not been an easy year for me but one filled with many blessings. I had a lot of personal and professional changes that many times made me feel unsure and quite frankly disappointed. But those disappointments led me to shifts that have brought me to this day feeling pleased with the results. Feeling unsure helped me to remember that volunteering for change takes courage and I applaude each and every one of you that has done this 52 Week Challenge with me. I still have a lot to do to complete my original goals and have some new goals too, and I hope you do as well.

Here's to happy memories!