Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Welcome Yen Path

Hello and welcome.

I am in the process of creating a new series of books, products and services to help people reconnect with what's important to them in life. For more information on Yen Path you can go to

The intention of this blog is to start a journey with you. Each week I will post an idea for you to try with me. You will receive the information; and hopefully the motivation you need to get going on a goal of yours. At the end of the week I will post my results and I encourage you to do the same.

If you stay with me at the end of the 52 weeks - just one year! You will hopefully notice significant positive change.

We will get started on the first day of summer. June 21st seemed like the perfect day to start. Summer moves us into a time of year where we naturally feel more motivated. You may be thinking "but I don't want to work over the summer". My response would be if you believe this is work then you are not ready. This is meant to be fun; just think of the possibilities! Aren't you ready to stop settling and to live the life you were meant to live?


  1. There were Fireflies dancing in the dark last night- like dozens of little flashbulbs going off. Maybe they took mini-photos of my nose pressed against the night air. They know how to have fun, and it was free.
    So, fun is a good way for you and I, and the Fireflies, to begin the journey together. The images await developing.

  2. I love the firefly analogy! I really believe the next 52 weeks are filled with promise and can't wait to get started.

  3. Thank you Jenny for putting this out for us! I am excited by the possibilities ... and look forward to approaching the next year with beginners mind/child-like excitement and anticipation!

  4. Dear Jenny~ As a yoga teacher, an avid student and apprentice at the Shanti in Vancouver, WA, I love connecting with yoginis everywhere to become a kula of Love, Wholeness and Wisdom!
    In advance, thanks for sharing . . . . .
    Love, SuzyG

  5. oh the wonder of life...things appear just when the time is right. The YenPath is wait I've been seeking.

    many thanks and gratitude,
