I'm posting now for Monday 9/5 because I will be in FL next week to move out of our condo. As you may know one of my goals for the 52 week challenge was to sell the condo (and to buy a home but that piece has not happened yet). My husband will stay home with the pets and I will go back to Florida for the move and closing. My Mom and Dad will be there with me and I will get to see my aunt and cousins as well. Saying goodbye will be hard even though this is exactly what we wanted. This is a good transition into this weeks challenge.
The Challenge:
Sometimes we need to say goodbye to old belief systems. Like everything else beliefs can become old and outdated. A belief that is out of alignment with your goal will increase the likelihood of failure; and unfortunately sometimes we are not even aware of them. Your challenge for this week is to examine your beliefs and come up with a few new ones. This can take a little detective work because you need to start to notice your actions and that includes how you communicate.
Here's an example: Let's say you have a goal to get physically fit and one of your action items is to replace processed foods with whole foods. You are off to a great start because you have good goal wording and a good action item. A few months have gone by and you are not getting the results you hoped for. You can say to yourself "see this positive thinking stuff doesn't work" (which on it's own is a negative belief) and give up, or you can take some time to examine your beliefs. Did you learn as a child that you shouldn't leave food on your plate? If you believe you shouldn't waste food then you may be over consuming. Can you create a new belief like "I eat slowly so I can notice when I am satisfied".
Here's another example: Do you believe you don't deserve a bountiful life? Do you feel even asking for such a thing is greedy, selfish, or not necessary? Regardless of your age or station in life you deserve what your heart cries out for. If you want more time with family and friends, or want to have more fun, or want more satisfying experiences in life please don't sell yourself short. Listen to your heart; not the old beliefs telling you "it's not time" or "that's selfish".
What I'm working on:
In the second example above I use the word "deserve". I use that word because I do believe in my heart that we all deserve to live the best life possible and that we are meant to experience love, joy, etc during our time on this earth. Yes there are plenty of hardships; so we had better enjoy the time we've got. Because of my passion for life I tend to be pretty busy and one way I reward myself is eating out at restaurants. I love the experience because it means I don't have to shop, cook or clean up; and also that I can sit and enjoy quality time with someone I love. But this belief of "deserving a break" can lead to weight gain if I'm not careful. I'm not going to change the belief that I deserve a break but I do need to monitor my use of this belief. More importantly I want to feel good (healthy) and that is more easily accomplished when I eat my meals at home. Luckily I have a husband that helps with everything from shopping to cooking (not really clean-up) and I cherish our time at home together.
I hope you have a fantastic week and the next post will be on Monday 9/13. Be well and enjoy!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Week 11- Getting Unstuck!
This weeks challenge is by request. Anytime you are interested in something in particular please let me know. So here goes.
First lets define what stuck is as it relates to goals. To me it means two things. 1) You feel a sense of dissatisfaction as it relates to your progress. The good news here is that you are not really stuck; but you just aren't getting the results you want and this is what our challenge will focus on today. Note: Since we are using a feeling as the gauge please realize it is possible to first shift your feelings to one of accomplishment. So start by taking some time to write down the things you have accomplished. Maybe all you need is a re-framing of how you are thinking about things. But if not read on.
2) You are unaware that a change is needed. This is not any of you because these individuals are not here reading this blog right now. So congrats! You are way ahead of the game.
Let's talk about dissatisfaction then. How can you harness that energy and get moving again? Imagine your car is stuck in the snow. What you need to do is to create momentum. Hopefully you can find someone to help push from behind as you press a bit on the gas. With energy you create with this team work you may its easy to get out of a situation you otherwise would not have been able to do.
The Challenge:
It's time to create more clarity. This could mean re-reading some past challenges like Week 2 (Right Thinking), Week 3 (Creating your Network), Week 5 (Action), Week 7-9 (Vision, Mission, Purpose), Week 10 (Good Goal Wording). Or it could mean it's time for you to talk to someone else about what it is you are trying to accomplish. Getting their perspective/insights may help. Or hire a life coach to help. When we are stuck we need help! And it's okay to ask for it. Your challenge this week is to try one more time on your own and/or seek assistance and/or re-frame like I mentioned under #1 above. Call me if you want. I am here for you. FYI - Next weeks challenge will be to Examine Beliefs, Week 13 will be about Unmet Needs and Week 14 will be about Planning. Each challenge is meant to give you an additional tool so you can get the results you desire. Keep at it! Remember - If you are here reading this you are not as stuck as you think :)
What I'm working on:
I've been so busy its hard for me to dedicate my time to exercise; which I know is important for me to stay healthy and grounded (part of my 3rd goal). Part of what I have done is re-frame; when I'm busy is not the time to "push" myself into the gym; so I need to relax and feel good about the walks and gentle forms of exercise I am getting. The other thing I want to work on this week is cleaning up my diet. When I get busy I tend to eat more processed foods (and eat out more). This week I will be enjoying fresh, whole foods. That should help with my energy. I have also been going for acupuncture. I find this relaxing and helps prevent onset of illness (like colds) that can happen when my stress levels increase.
I hope that you find this weeks challenge helpful. Have a great week.
First lets define what stuck is as it relates to goals. To me it means two things. 1) You feel a sense of dissatisfaction as it relates to your progress. The good news here is that you are not really stuck; but you just aren't getting the results you want and this is what our challenge will focus on today. Note: Since we are using a feeling as the gauge please realize it is possible to first shift your feelings to one of accomplishment. So start by taking some time to write down the things you have accomplished. Maybe all you need is a re-framing of how you are thinking about things. But if not read on.
2) You are unaware that a change is needed. This is not any of you because these individuals are not here reading this blog right now. So congrats! You are way ahead of the game.
Let's talk about dissatisfaction then. How can you harness that energy and get moving again? Imagine your car is stuck in the snow. What you need to do is to create momentum. Hopefully you can find someone to help push from behind as you press a bit on the gas. With energy you create with this team work you may its easy to get out of a situation you otherwise would not have been able to do.
The Challenge:
It's time to create more clarity. This could mean re-reading some past challenges like Week 2 (Right Thinking), Week 3 (Creating your Network), Week 5 (Action), Week 7-9 (Vision, Mission, Purpose), Week 10 (Good Goal Wording). Or it could mean it's time for you to talk to someone else about what it is you are trying to accomplish. Getting their perspective/insights may help. Or hire a life coach to help. When we are stuck we need help! And it's okay to ask for it. Your challenge this week is to try one more time on your own and/or seek assistance and/or re-frame like I mentioned under #1 above. Call me if you want. I am here for you. FYI - Next weeks challenge will be to Examine Beliefs, Week 13 will be about Unmet Needs and Week 14 will be about Planning. Each challenge is meant to give you an additional tool so you can get the results you desire. Keep at it! Remember - If you are here reading this you are not as stuck as you think :)
What I'm working on:
I've been so busy its hard for me to dedicate my time to exercise; which I know is important for me to stay healthy and grounded (part of my 3rd goal). Part of what I have done is re-frame; when I'm busy is not the time to "push" myself into the gym; so I need to relax and feel good about the walks and gentle forms of exercise I am getting. The other thing I want to work on this week is cleaning up my diet. When I get busy I tend to eat more processed foods (and eat out more). This week I will be enjoying fresh, whole foods. That should help with my energy. I have also been going for acupuncture. I find this relaxing and helps prevent onset of illness (like colds) that can happen when my stress levels increase.
I hope that you find this weeks challenge helpful. Have a great week.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Week 10 - The importance of good goal wording
Hello and welcome to week 10! Please remember to tell your friends and family they can join the challenge at any time. They do not need to start at Week 1 and there will be a winner and prize at the end of the 52 week challenge.
The Challenge:
On Week 1 I asked you to write down your goals. Now on Week 10 I want you to do two things:
1) How are your results so far? Are you heading in the right direction? Do you feel successful? Or have you given up or feel frustrated? If you are getting good results then you are all set and do not need to read #2 and congrats! Please share your outcomes in a post. And if you have already accomplished your goal then consider starting a new one!
2) Look at the wording of your goal. It could be you are too vague or are focusing on the negative. Can you think of a way to change the wording so you are more descriptive and positive? Here are some examples:
-I want to lose weight is an example of poor goal wording because you are focusing on weight (negative). The law of attraction states that you get what you focus on. If you are focusing on weight then that is what you will get. Adding the word lose doesn't matter -- your focus is on weight. Also, the word lose is a poor choice because usually we never want to lose anything. You don't like losing your key, money, a job -- usually our minds associate losing as a bad thing. Instead how can you be a winner? What do you want to win? Do you want to fit into a specific pair of jeans? Do you want your tummy or thighs to look a certain way? A goal of "A 29" waist" is a good goal. Notice I left "I wish" or "I want" out of the goal. If your goal is to want something then you have already accomplished it.
-I want to make more money is too vague. How about "I will get a part time job to pay for..."? Or "Make coffee at home and save the money for..."
-I want a new job or hobby is too vague. Why, what, how?
If you have a goal you want me to review with you please let me know. You can email me at solutions@jennygallagher.com and I would be happy to help.
What I'm working on:
I'm reading a great book called Positivity: Top-Notch Research Reveals the 3 to 1 ratio that Will Change Your Life by Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph.D. Being positive doesn't mean you need to be phony or happy all the time. Instead it is your outlook and people with a positive outlook can actually reduce the amount of negativity that comes into their life because some is self-induced.
She mentions a meta-analysis where "The authors gathered nearly 300 different scientific studies of positivity , which collectively tested more than 275,000 people". "What did the study conclude? That positivity produces success in life as much as as it reflects success in life". It's what she calls the broaden-and-build theory which basically states that when something bad happens you can pretty much predict how a person will respond (run, fight, etc) but with positivity and good emotions you can't predict because opportunities broaden depending; and that will vary depending on the person. People get creative and build, produce, or create.
I have always been interested in learning about new studies and ideas that support my mission which is to foster and encourage positive thought and action. It does not mean I always live up to my standards but continuing to learn helps. It inspires me to be a better person. It's not knowing something that matters; it's living it. My way of staying motivated is to surround myself with like minded people/information whenever I can. I understand there are reasons for people to behave badly but that is not where I choose to focus my time and energy.
Make a conscious choice on how you want to move forward and reword your goal(s) if you want. Stay inspired, have fun and try being positive. Enjoy!
The Challenge:
On Week 1 I asked you to write down your goals. Now on Week 10 I want you to do two things:
1) How are your results so far? Are you heading in the right direction? Do you feel successful? Or have you given up or feel frustrated? If you are getting good results then you are all set and do not need to read #2 and congrats! Please share your outcomes in a post. And if you have already accomplished your goal then consider starting a new one!
2) Look at the wording of your goal. It could be you are too vague or are focusing on the negative. Can you think of a way to change the wording so you are more descriptive and positive? Here are some examples:
-I want to lose weight is an example of poor goal wording because you are focusing on weight (negative). The law of attraction states that you get what you focus on. If you are focusing on weight then that is what you will get. Adding the word lose doesn't matter -- your focus is on weight. Also, the word lose is a poor choice because usually we never want to lose anything. You don't like losing your key, money, a job -- usually our minds associate losing as a bad thing. Instead how can you be a winner? What do you want to win? Do you want to fit into a specific pair of jeans? Do you want your tummy or thighs to look a certain way? A goal of "A 29" waist" is a good goal. Notice I left "I wish" or "I want" out of the goal. If your goal is to want something then you have already accomplished it.
-I want to make more money is too vague. How about "I will get a part time job to pay for..."? Or "Make coffee at home and save the money for..."
-I want a new job or hobby is too vague. Why, what, how?
If you have a goal you want me to review with you please let me know. You can email me at solutions@jennygallagher.com and I would be happy to help.
What I'm working on:
I'm reading a great book called Positivity: Top-Notch Research Reveals the 3 to 1 ratio that Will Change Your Life by Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph.D. Being positive doesn't mean you need to be phony or happy all the time. Instead it is your outlook and people with a positive outlook can actually reduce the amount of negativity that comes into their life because some is self-induced.
She mentions a meta-analysis where "The authors gathered nearly 300 different scientific studies of positivity , which collectively tested more than 275,000 people". "What did the study conclude? That positivity produces success in life as much as as it reflects success in life". It's what she calls the broaden-and-build theory which basically states that when something bad happens you can pretty much predict how a person will respond (run, fight, etc) but with positivity and good emotions you can't predict because opportunities broaden depending; and that will vary depending on the person. People get creative and build, produce, or create.
I have always been interested in learning about new studies and ideas that support my mission which is to foster and encourage positive thought and action. It does not mean I always live up to my standards but continuing to learn helps. It inspires me to be a better person. It's not knowing something that matters; it's living it. My way of staying motivated is to surround myself with like minded people/information whenever I can. I understand there are reasons for people to behave badly but that is not where I choose to focus my time and energy.
Make a conscious choice on how you want to move forward and reword your goal(s) if you want. Stay inspired, have fun and try being positive. Enjoy!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Week 9 - The Importance of a Mission Statement
Hello and welcome to week 9! Again; I have included details on my topic from an article I wrote for www.bizymoms.com.
Your Challenge: Read the article and then write a mission statement. Please do it! You'll be amazed how much clarity you will gain and how much easier it will be to accomplish your goals.
What I'm working on: I have two mission statements. One that is short and rolls of my tongue which is 'to foster and encourage positive thought and action' and a much more detailed one in my Gallagher Solutions business plan. The short one allows me to connect with how I should act each and every minute. That doesn't mean I'm always successful but it is my focus on how I should act. Remember; missions are 'the do'. The details in my business plan helped me to create a strategy around getting from Point A, to Point B and so on. It's a map if you will that takes me step by step.
The Mission Statement By: Jenny Gallagher
If you haven’t read the article on Having a Vision then do that now because you want a vision statement first. The mission is what you will do to accomplish your vision. This is where you move from thought to action; from planning to implementation. And if you have an exciting vision then this is where it gets fun.
Mission statements tend to be more detailed. The process of creating a mission statement helps you to figure out what needs to happen. From here your next step will be to create goals and action items.
If you were to think of a funnel your purpose and vision are at the big opening at the top. Your mission statement helps you to determine what and when, and what comes out of the funnel are your results from your goals and action items. Results come from action; and you are not there yet. First plan; otherwise you may find the funnel may back up and start flowing over the edges at the top. Taking time to plan usually keeps things flowing more smoothly but of course re-adjustments may be required along the way.
Here’s how to write the mission statement:
- Think about how you would categorize your vision. Segmenting your vision into workable pieces helps you to see what needs to be done.
- For each segment begin to create a hierarchy, or in other words what needs to be done first. Do you need to purchase materials or create an infrastructure? Do you need more information or researches like people and money?
- Look at your categories. Are there pieces that can be done in the same time frame or do they need to wait for other things to be accomplished first?
- The steps under each category are your goals. Can you put time frames on the goals? If so you have also created an action item. Action items either have an end date or are ongoing tasks you need to stay up on. Either way you know when you have accomplished an action item because you can actually check it off as completed. If the ongoing action item must be completed daily, weekly, monthly, yearly then make sure you have that written down on your calendar so you remember to do it.
Now you are ready to make things happen. Take it one step at a time and re-adjust your mission, goals and actions items as you need to. Track your progress so you can feel good about your accomplishments and remember to celebrate your successes.
Jenny Gallagher has twenty-one years of experience in the health care industry and has been in business for herself for the past eight years. Her vision is success and well-being for all who desire it and her mission is to foster and encourage positive thought and action.
Article Source: http://bizymoms.com/business
Jenny offers individual and group coaching, which is done over the phone so location is never an issue. She is a radio talk show host and The Jenny Gallagher Show Your Wellness Coach can be found on every Tuesday through Friday from noon to 1:00 eastern time.
Your Challenge: Read the article and then write a mission statement. Please do it! You'll be amazed how much clarity you will gain and how much easier it will be to accomplish your goals.
What I'm working on: I have two mission statements. One that is short and rolls of my tongue which is 'to foster and encourage positive thought and action' and a much more detailed one in my Gallagher Solutions business plan. The short one allows me to connect with how I should act each and every minute. That doesn't mean I'm always successful but it is my focus on how I should act. Remember; missions are 'the do'. The details in my business plan helped me to create a strategy around getting from Point A, to Point B and so on. It's a map if you will that takes me step by step.
The Mission Statement By: Jenny Gallagher
If you haven’t read the article on Having a Vision then do that now because you want a vision statement first. The mission is what you will do to accomplish your vision. This is where you move from thought to action; from planning to implementation. And if you have an exciting vision then this is where it gets fun.
Mission statements tend to be more detailed. The process of creating a mission statement helps you to figure out what needs to happen. From here your next step will be to create goals and action items.
If you were to think of a funnel your purpose and vision are at the big opening at the top. Your mission statement helps you to determine what and when, and what comes out of the funnel are your results from your goals and action items. Results come from action; and you are not there yet. First plan; otherwise you may find the funnel may back up and start flowing over the edges at the top. Taking time to plan usually keeps things flowing more smoothly but of course re-adjustments may be required along the way.
Here’s how to write the mission statement:
- Think about how you would categorize your vision. Segmenting your vision into workable pieces helps you to see what needs to be done.
- For each segment begin to create a hierarchy, or in other words what needs to be done first. Do you need to purchase materials or create an infrastructure? Do you need more information or researches like people and money?
- Look at your categories. Are there pieces that can be done in the same time frame or do they need to wait for other things to be accomplished first?
- The steps under each category are your goals. Can you put time frames on the goals? If so you have also created an action item. Action items either have an end date or are ongoing tasks you need to stay up on. Either way you know when you have accomplished an action item because you can actually check it off as completed. If the ongoing action item must be completed daily, weekly, monthly, yearly then make sure you have that written down on your calendar so you remember to do it.
Now you are ready to make things happen. Take it one step at a time and re-adjust your mission, goals and actions items as you need to. Track your progress so you can feel good about your accomplishments and remember to celebrate your successes.
Jenny Gallagher has twenty-one years of experience in the health care industry and has been in business for herself for the past eight years. Her vision is success and well-being for all who desire it and her mission is to foster and encourage positive thought and action.
Article Source: http://bizymoms.com/business
Jenny offers individual and group coaching, which is done over the phone so location is never an issue. She is a radio talk show host and The Jenny Gallagher Show Your Wellness Coach can be found on every Tuesday through Friday from noon to 1:00 eastern time.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Week 8 - Having a Vision
I recently wrote an article for www.bizymoms.com and have included the article below so you can understand the importance of having a vision. Please read it first, then you can work on your challenge. Thanks and have a great week!
Your challenge: Read the steps below for creating a vision and do it. Trust me; it helps you get good results. Next week we will work on your mission which will move you into good goal wording and action items (different then the action challenge we had a few weeks ago). We are getting into the heart of the matter now. Stay with me!
What I'm working on: I spent years revising my vision but for the last few years it has been the same; Success and wellbeing for all who desire it. When I am faced with a choice on how to use my most valuable resources (time and money) I take a moment to make sure I'm in alignment with my vision. When I am not concious of my vision it is easier to stray off course. That's when it is more likely for me to feel frustration. It's easier for me to keep my eyes on the horizon (my vision) vs focusing on every little distraction. I believe it helps me to be more focused and confident. I know what I want and the steps I want to take to get there. How does this relate to my 3 goals from Week 1? The book is moving along wonderfully. I respond to the publishers requests immediately and this is my # 1 priority. A nice surprise spin off was my radio show and now co-founding Health Beat Radio which will provide 24/7 shows to inform and inspire our listeners to wellness. The condo is on the market and we already got one offer (low) and are getting lots of interest. I continue to struggle most with goal #3 which is to stay grounded through all of this. I'm doing okay but will refocus my attention this week on exercise and nutrition.
My article for www.bizymoms titled Having a Vision:Would you ever go on a trip without knowing where you want to go? Maybe if you were feeling a bit adventurous; but typically you know where you want to go and why first. Once you know then you start to think about the details like how you will get there, how long you will stay and what it is you would like to do. Then before your trip you prepare by packing and finishing up at home before you leave.
If life is a journey and you do not have a vision of your destination you may want to consider thinking about it. Businesses almost always have a vision statement which is a succinct way of wording where they imagine the business going. There direction is usually determined by an underlying purpose; a passion and belief that they are providing something of value. They’re mission statement usually describes how they will accomplish these things.
To compare the Vision, Purpose and Mission statements to a trip think of the purpose as the reason to go, the vision is the image of what the outcome will be and the mission is how you will make it happen.
Without a clear vision it can be easy to be lead off track by every little distraction that comes your way. With a good vision statement; especially one you can memorize; you can stay on track. Your vision will keep you focused and moving forward on your journey with greater ease. This can help you in your personal and professional life.
How do you write a vision statement? It’s easy because there are no rules but here are some ideas:
1) First take time to see yourself in the future. What does it look like? Don’t be factual or sell yourself short; dream big. What do you really want? It’s okay if you don’t accomplish your vision in the future and actually the objective is to set the bar so high that you probably won’t. But creating a grand vision allows you to strive for more and many times that’s all it takes to achieve more.
2) Is it hard to think about your future this way? It’s okay to not be sure about what you want. In this case think about someone you admire. What do you think their vision may be? This can then be your vision. Or get suggestions from people you know. Your vision can change later if you think of something better.
3) Next write it all down. Be as wordy as you’d like at first.
4) Review what you wrote. Are there separate categories and if so do you want more than one vision? You can have one for your professional life or business; and one for your personal life. Or sometimes you will see a similarity in both and make one vision that includes those.
5) Can you begin to notice a theme or way to summarize your vision into an easy to remember statement? If not, just make sure your written statement is somewhere to view on a daily basis. Writing a vision statement and sticking it in a folder helps, but having it fresh in your mind will guide you better through they day. Aligning your actions with your vision is important.
Make your life journey as fun and productive as possible. Have a grand vision and keep your expectations reasonable. That way you will continue to strive and not be discouraged when things do not go as planned. If your vision is important enough to you, you will find new and creative ways to make it happen when you hit those bumps in the road. And if that bump gives you a flat tire you simply fix it and move on.
Jenny Gallagher has twenty-one years of experience in the health care industry and has been in business for herself for the past eight years. Her vision is success and well-being for all who desire it and her mission is to foster and encourage positive thought and action.
Article Source: http://bizymoms.com/business
Jenny offers individual and group coaching, which is done over the phone so location is never an issue. She is a radio talk show host and The Jenny Gallagher Show Your Wellness Coach can be found on every Tuesday through Friday from noon to 1:00 eastern time.
Your challenge: Read the steps below for creating a vision and do it. Trust me; it helps you get good results. Next week we will work on your mission which will move you into good goal wording and action items (different then the action challenge we had a few weeks ago). We are getting into the heart of the matter now. Stay with me!
What I'm working on: I spent years revising my vision but for the last few years it has been the same; Success and wellbeing for all who desire it. When I am faced with a choice on how to use my most valuable resources (time and money) I take a moment to make sure I'm in alignment with my vision. When I am not concious of my vision it is easier to stray off course. That's when it is more likely for me to feel frustration. It's easier for me to keep my eyes on the horizon (my vision) vs focusing on every little distraction. I believe it helps me to be more focused and confident. I know what I want and the steps I want to take to get there. How does this relate to my 3 goals from Week 1? The book is moving along wonderfully. I respond to the publishers requests immediately and this is my # 1 priority. A nice surprise spin off was my radio show and now co-founding Health Beat Radio which will provide 24/7 shows to inform and inspire our listeners to wellness. The condo is on the market and we already got one offer (low) and are getting lots of interest. I continue to struggle most with goal #3 which is to stay grounded through all of this. I'm doing okay but will refocus my attention this week on exercise and nutrition.
My article for www.bizymoms titled Having a Vision:Would you ever go on a trip without knowing where you want to go? Maybe if you were feeling a bit adventurous; but typically you know where you want to go and why first. Once you know then you start to think about the details like how you will get there, how long you will stay and what it is you would like to do. Then before your trip you prepare by packing and finishing up at home before you leave.
If life is a journey and you do not have a vision of your destination you may want to consider thinking about it. Businesses almost always have a vision statement which is a succinct way of wording where they imagine the business going. There direction is usually determined by an underlying purpose; a passion and belief that they are providing something of value. They’re mission statement usually describes how they will accomplish these things.
To compare the Vision, Purpose and Mission statements to a trip think of the purpose as the reason to go, the vision is the image of what the outcome will be and the mission is how you will make it happen.
Without a clear vision it can be easy to be lead off track by every little distraction that comes your way. With a good vision statement; especially one you can memorize; you can stay on track. Your vision will keep you focused and moving forward on your journey with greater ease. This can help you in your personal and professional life.
How do you write a vision statement? It’s easy because there are no rules but here are some ideas:
1) First take time to see yourself in the future. What does it look like? Don’t be factual or sell yourself short; dream big. What do you really want? It’s okay if you don’t accomplish your vision in the future and actually the objective is to set the bar so high that you probably won’t. But creating a grand vision allows you to strive for more and many times that’s all it takes to achieve more.
2) Is it hard to think about your future this way? It’s okay to not be sure about what you want. In this case think about someone you admire. What do you think their vision may be? This can then be your vision. Or get suggestions from people you know. Your vision can change later if you think of something better.
3) Next write it all down. Be as wordy as you’d like at first.
4) Review what you wrote. Are there separate categories and if so do you want more than one vision? You can have one for your professional life or business; and one for your personal life. Or sometimes you will see a similarity in both and make one vision that includes those.
5) Can you begin to notice a theme or way to summarize your vision into an easy to remember statement? If not, just make sure your written statement is somewhere to view on a daily basis. Writing a vision statement and sticking it in a folder helps, but having it fresh in your mind will guide you better through they day. Aligning your actions with your vision is important.
Make your life journey as fun and productive as possible. Have a grand vision and keep your expectations reasonable. That way you will continue to strive and not be discouraged when things do not go as planned. If your vision is important enough to you, you will find new and creative ways to make it happen when you hit those bumps in the road. And if that bump gives you a flat tire you simply fix it and move on.
Jenny Gallagher has twenty-one years of experience in the health care industry and has been in business for herself for the past eight years. Her vision is success and well-being for all who desire it and her mission is to foster and encourage positive thought and action.
Article Source: http://bizymoms.com/business
Jenny offers individual and group coaching, which is done over the phone so location is never an issue. She is a radio talk show host and The Jenny Gallagher Show Your Wellness Coach can be found on every Tuesday through Friday from noon to 1:00 eastern time.
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