Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 8 - Having a Vision

I recently wrote an article for and have included the article below so you can understand the importance of having a vision. Please read it first, then you can work on your challenge. Thanks and have a great week!

Your challenge: Read the steps below for creating a vision and do it. Trust me; it helps you get good results. Next week we will work on your mission which will move you into good goal wording and action items (different then the action challenge we had a few weeks ago). We are getting into the heart of the matter now. Stay with me!

What I'm working on: I spent years revising my vision but for the last few years it has been the same; Success and wellbeing for all who desire it. When I am faced with a choice on how to use my most valuable resources (time and money) I take a moment to make sure I'm in alignment with my vision. When I am not concious of my vision it is easier to stray off course. That's when it is more likely for me to feel frustration. It's easier for me to keep my eyes on the horizon (my vision) vs focusing on every little distraction. I believe it helps me to be more focused and confident. I know what I want and the steps I want to take to get there. How does this relate to my 3 goals from Week 1? The book is moving along wonderfully. I respond to the publishers requests immediately and this is my # 1 priority. A nice surprise spin off was my radio show and now co-founding Health Beat Radio which will provide 24/7 shows to inform and inspire our listeners to wellness. The condo is on the market and we already got one offer (low) and are getting lots of interest. I continue to struggle most with goal #3 which is to stay grounded through all of this. I'm doing okay but will refocus my attention this week on exercise and nutrition.

My article for www.bizymoms titled Having a Vision:Would you ever go on a trip without knowing where you want to go? Maybe if you were feeling a bit adventurous; but typically you know where you want to go and why first. Once you know then you start to think about the details like how you will get there, how long you will stay and what it is you would like to do. Then before your trip you prepare by packing and finishing up at home before you leave.

If life is a journey and you do not have a vision of your destination you may want to consider thinking about it. Businesses almost always have a vision statement which is a succinct way of wording where they imagine the business going. There direction is usually determined by an underlying purpose; a passion and belief that they are providing something of value. They’re mission statement usually describes how they will accomplish these things.

To compare the Vision, Purpose and Mission statements to a trip think of the purpose as the reason to go, the vision is the image of what the outcome will be and the mission is how you will make it happen.

Without a clear vision it can be easy to be lead off track by every little distraction that comes your way. With a good vision statement; especially one you can memorize; you can stay on track. Your vision will keep you focused and moving forward on your journey with greater ease. This can help you in your personal and professional life.

How do you write a vision statement? It’s easy because there are no rules but here are some ideas:

1) First take time to see yourself in the future. What does it look like? Don’t be factual or sell yourself short; dream big. What do you really want? It’s okay if you don’t accomplish your vision in the future and actually the objective is to set the bar so high that you probably won’t. But creating a grand vision allows you to strive for more and many times that’s all it takes to achieve more.

2) Is it hard to think about your future this way? It’s okay to not be sure about what you want. In this case think about someone you admire. What do you think their vision may be? This can then be your vision. Or get suggestions from people you know. Your vision can change later if you think of something better.

3) Next write it all down. Be as wordy as you’d like at first.

4) Review what you wrote. Are there separate categories and if so do you want more than one vision? You can have one for your professional life or business; and one for your personal life. Or sometimes you will see a similarity in both and make one vision that includes those.

5) Can you begin to notice a theme or way to summarize your vision into an easy to remember statement? If not, just make sure your written statement is somewhere to view on a daily basis. Writing a vision statement and sticking it in a folder helps, but having it fresh in your mind will guide you better through they day. Aligning your actions with your vision is important.

Make your life journey as fun and productive as possible. Have a grand vision and keep your expectations reasonable. That way you will continue to strive and not be discouraged when things do not go as planned. If your vision is important enough to you, you will find new and creative ways to make it happen when you hit those bumps in the road. And if that bump gives you a flat tire you simply fix it and move on.


Jenny Gallagher has twenty-one years of experience in the health care industry and has been in business for herself for the past eight years. Her vision is success and well-being for all who desire it and her mission is to foster and encourage positive thought and action.

Article Source:

Jenny offers individual and group coaching, which is done over the phone so location is never an issue. She is a radio talk show host and The Jenny Gallagher Show Your Wellness Coach can be found on every Tuesday through Friday from noon to 1:00 eastern time.

1 comment:

  1. Having a vision:
    See myself in the future? At first it made me laugh. In my mid-70's there is something a little funny about seeing myself in the future. I guess if I were to examine that I would find that the lens I use now is more wide-angle instead of a zoom lens. I could zoom in on stuff like ideas, plans, etc.then.I'm inclined to see my future now as one day at a time instead of some distant future. Maybe it is just one of the perks of aging.
    I like the notion that this is just like a trip-right now is just one of the side roads where I've stopped to take some photos.
    Isn't age just a myth anyway? I'm still alive at whatever age and I can be conscious to this moment, maybe that is how I have always meant to see the future.
