Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Week 46- Communicate

Communicating is so much more than talking. It's about honesty with ourselves and others. The 5th Chakra, or energy center (wheel) in the body is the Throat Chakra. The color is blue and when this energy center is working well we communicate well with others and ourselves. There is less need to decieve, which is different than being untruthful in many cases because we are unaware of it. Lack of awareness and letting our ego's rule are forms of self deception.

The Challenge:
1) Think about something that has been causing you to experience a less than desirable emotion (jealousy, envy, anger...)
2) This can be hard to do on your own but try to consider what label you are trying to hold onto that is making you feel this emotion. I know it's easier to blame someone else for the feeling but here is an example. Let's say you feel jealous because someone else has something you want (a home, car, jewlery, job, promotion, etc). Instead of thinking mean thoughts and maybe even talking poorly about that person consider what it is you want and how you can obtain it. Another example: You are angry at someone that hurt your feelings. You feel misunderstood. Stop and consider how you participated in the misunderstanding and how you can correct it. Many times we act with a lack of awareness. You may be sending signals to someone that you are needy and that is why they keep telling you what to do. Or you may always be looking for complements and now someone is avoiding you.
3) Write down 3 small changes you would like to make. Think of characteristics in others that you like (integrity, funny, easy going, classy).
4) Have fun implementing these changes in your life!

What I am working on:
I love planning and accomplishing so I can be a bit of a task master, control freak. I can justify this (self-deception) by saying it is for the greater good. Everyone benefits from all that I accomplish; right? WRONG! My mantra is to lighten up and go with the flow in some areas but to have iron discipline when it comes to accomplishing my big tasks (it's easy to want to slack off with the sales aspects of my business and that is not a good way to sell books!...)

Hope this helps. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Emotional honesty is so hard. When I feel frustrated with someone's actions I have a tendency to retreat. It seems that really is the ego rearing ugly head, I can't be honest about how I feel if I'm holding onto anger, or is it fear? I'm going to try hard to express a feeling, without analyzing or judging. That old saying "keep it simple". Hard to do because frustration just seems to cause confusion. Certainly all the more reason to
    develop "clarification of thought".
    Good thought for the week.
