Have you ever asked yourself "Why am I here". Paramahansa Yogananda believes it is very good karma to even ask this question. If you have asked yourself this question then you are contemplating your purpose.
One of my favorite teachers is Aadil Palkhivala who travels the world teaching. I went to one of his workshops and he talked about the '4 step process for why we exist' which I will try to give a very high-level description of.
1 = Life mission (purpose) Note: This is different then what I call a mission which is how you will accomplish your purpose (we will talk about that in 2 weeks)
2 = Acquisition of wealth
3 = Pursuit of pleasure
4 = Spirituality
Your life mission is most important and the other 3 will vary depending on this. Your life mission (purpose) is different than that for other people. If you are someone who's life mission is to care for others (lets say you have to work 10 hours a day to provide for family). Then your #2-4 will be different than that of someone who's life mission is to be a spiritual leader. For the first person they may require very little (if any) spirituality to fulfil their purpose and maybe more wealth.
Your challenge:
Write down what you think your purpose is. Even if you have done this in the past take a moment to re-evaluate because it may have changed. That's it.
What I'm working on:
I always say my purpose is to live in alignment with my vision and mission. My vision is "Success and well being for all who desire it". My vision is big and encompasses my personal and professional life. My mission is "To foster and encourage positive thought and action". Just because I strive for grand objectives does not mean I am perfect. Those that know me best know I can be angry, moody and judgemental. I'm sure they would even throw a few other words in. But I still want to work on improving myself each day. I had a friend say once that this is what she admired most about me. My flaws are why I strive each day to develop myself personally and why I try to support those around me.
Have a fantastic week and please share with us!
Being open and conscious of where I am at any given time on this journey of life certainly does change. I can look at each decade of life and see how it changed. The thing about being in the 7th decade is the freedom to let so much go. The main purpose for me now seems to be simply being conscious of my presence on this earth. It has brought great pleasure to see all living beings though the eyes of children and non-human creatures. They have such a deep quiet