Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Week 28 - Joy

The week before New Years seemed like a perfect time to talk about joy. Celebrating the past year and imagining the possibilities of the new year make us want to celebrate; and celebrations are typically joyful. Therefore this weeks challenge is easy. Find the joy.

The Challenge:
Find the joy. Take a moment to reflect on all of the blessings that came your way this past year (no matter how small). Next take a moment to think about the future and imagine what wonderful possibilities lie ahead of you. Ask yourself "What is my potential?" and write down a few ideas. Lastly take a moment to be present. Notice your surroundings and the simplicity of one single moment in time without thoughts moving you back or forward.

What I'm working on:
For the first time in many years my husband and I are going out for New Years Eve. Instead of a quiet celebration at home we will be around many of our new neighbors. At the stroke of midnight (every New Years Eve) I think about all of my loved ones and offer a moment of gratitude.

Happy New Year! Together I know we can create some amazing possibilities in the year ahead.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week 27 - Love

Feeling loved and accepted is extremely important so this weeks challenge will provide an opportunity for you to think about a few things.

The Challenge:
First think about your needs. Do you feel loved? If so then take a moment to be grateful for that feeling. With love it is easier to flourish and you have been given an amazing gift so use it well. If you feel like love is lacking in your life then your challenge is to think about how you can change this. You may feel like this is not in your control; that love is something to be given and you are right. So why not give it to yourself. Take time to think about ways you can show more self love. If you truly love yourself you may be able to attract love from others because when we do not love ourselves we project need and helplessness which will trigger pity at best.

Next think about the needs of others. How can you create more love in the world around you? Simply offering a kind word or smile does help. Stop trying to inflict your needs and wishes on others and think about theirs instead. In turn others will then be more thoughtful of your needs and wishes.

What I am working on:
This time of year is easy to reflect and when I do I realize how blessed I am to have a wonderful husband, family, pets, friends, community and so on. These are the best gifts of all and I am truly grateful. Therefore I have and will continue to dedicate my time to helping to improve the lives of others in both my personal and professional life.

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Week 26 - Peace

During this time of year when we hear words like "peace on earth good will towards men" what do you think about? Do you believe this is impossible and feel unattached to such a statement or maybe even cynical? Or does it call you to action. That is what this weeks challenge is all about.

The challenge:
This week think about how you can create more peace in your life and in the lives of others. It's not as hard as you think. A smile or a comforting word can go a long way. Offer to help someone else and remember to help yourself too. Givers tend to forget to do that so take time to make your day peaceful, calming and relaxing. Or seek out a new adventure. You can find peace in movement; you don't have to be still.

What I'm working on:
I'm thinking of ways to create peace and joy. It is my mission; which means my actions are guided by this weeks challenge. I will stay aware of how I am feeling and make changes whenever necessary.

That's it! Have a peaceful and joyful week.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Week 25 - Simplicity

Isn't this the perfect week to focus on simplicity? Think about it - most of us have more to do with the holidays. We eat more, drink more, shop and spend more, etc.

If you are feeling stressed out or are just looking for a way to reconnect then this challenge is for you.

The Challenge:
Commit to one change you will make for the week that will make your life easier. Or if you have a to-do list; review it and only do things you really have to do.

What I'm working on:
I've been super busy and am looking forward to creating simplicity through my entire holiday season. I usually don't decorate a lot any way but may even do less this year. For me the focus will be on quality; not quantity.