Monday, December 6, 2010

Week 25 - Simplicity

Isn't this the perfect week to focus on simplicity? Think about it - most of us have more to do with the holidays. We eat more, drink more, shop and spend more, etc.

If you are feeling stressed out or are just looking for a way to reconnect then this challenge is for you.

The Challenge:
Commit to one change you will make for the week that will make your life easier. Or if you have a to-do list; review it and only do things you really have to do.

What I'm working on:
I've been super busy and am looking forward to creating simplicity through my entire holiday season. I usually don't decorate a lot any way but may even do less this year. For me the focus will be on quality; not quantity.

1 comment:

  1. The last 2 weeks together.
    Funny how the "marketplace" teaches us to compulsively shop in order to "celebrate"
    It can be a paradox, can't it? But, I think simplicity and Christmas (or any holy time)really do go together.To be awake, open, aware,fully alive IS a profound gift of joy.
    There doesn't even need to be a search for it, because it's just there. We attended the beautiful ballet, the "Nutcracket" a few days ago. Watching a 4 year old childs face when the curtain opened and the dancers in all their costumes and beauty began the story was sheer delight. No need for malls here, just the rapture on a childs face. That's simplicity, joy, celebrating.
