Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Week 28 - Joy

The week before New Years seemed like a perfect time to talk about joy. Celebrating the past year and imagining the possibilities of the new year make us want to celebrate; and celebrations are typically joyful. Therefore this weeks challenge is easy. Find the joy.

The Challenge:
Find the joy. Take a moment to reflect on all of the blessings that came your way this past year (no matter how small). Next take a moment to think about the future and imagine what wonderful possibilities lie ahead of you. Ask yourself "What is my potential?" and write down a few ideas. Lastly take a moment to be present. Notice your surroundings and the simplicity of one single moment in time without thoughts moving you back or forward.

What I'm working on:
For the first time in many years my husband and I are going out for New Years Eve. Instead of a quiet celebration at home we will be around many of our new neighbors. At the stroke of midnight (every New Years Eve) I think about all of my loved ones and offer a moment of gratitude.

Happy New Year! Together I know we can create some amazing possibilities in the year ahead.

1 comment:

  1. It is the small things that show JOY, isn't it?
    At StillPoint House of Prayer we used to call them the 4 F's: FAITH, FAMILY, FRIENDS, FUN.
    That's what is always present to me. Treasures all of them.
