Sunday, January 2, 2011

Week 29 - Resolution

The American Heritage Dictionary defines resolution as "The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination. A resolving to do something. A course of action determined or decided on". To me the key words here 'firm determination' and 'course of action'.

The Challenge:
Create a New Years Resolution that you can be sure you will be successful at achieving. Here are some suggestions:
1) Is your New Years Resolution too grand? Make sure you pick something reasonable. If it is a big goal that will take over 3 months to achieve then create short term goals so you can see progress and stay on track.
2) Is your New Years Resolution too vague? You must be specific enough to move you to action. Saying you want to lose weight, make more money, or find your true love isn't enough. Be specific.
3) Is your New Years Resolution negative? Losing weight is a prefect example of a negative goal; so is paying off debt (yes do that but focus on saving); and lastly don't have a goal for someone else (e.g., get my husband/kids/coworkers to...). First of all the mind cannot not think of something you suggestion so thinking of weight attracts weight. Secondly don't just focus on what you will not do and this is why I believe diets do not work. Deprivation is not sustainable. Instead think of what you will do (e.g., have an apple for afternoon snack vs pastry and high calorie coffee beverage, save money, meet new people).
4) Could there be reasons for self-sabotage? Many times people fail at goals because subconsciously they are afraid of who they will have to be if they succeed. If you have failed at achieving your goal before you may want to consider this question. For example, subconsciously you could be uncomfortable with the attention (positive or negative)that may come about from your change. Even the best intentioned friends and family may be enablers. This is a good topic to talk about with a life coach because if it is subconscious you may not even realize it.
5) Do you have the resources (time, money, information, etc) to accomplish your goal? If not your first goal may be making sure you have these things.

These are just some ideas. If you want some help give me a call and we can schedule some coaching sessions. It will really pay off.

What I'm working on:
My goals that I started working on in June at the beginning of the Yen Path Challenge were big goals and I have been making good progress. I continue to keep short term goals and action items to move me forward. I surround myself with like minded people whenever possible and continue to work with my mastermind partner (who happens to be a coach), personal trainer, acupuncturist and massage therapist. I continue to focus on keeping myself grounded which for me means plenty of quality time at home with my pets and with my loved ones. I also have a routine that includes my yoga, exercise, reading, meditation and spiritual practices on a regular basis.

My wish for you is that you will succeed at your New Years Resolutions. All the best.


  1. Last year on 1/1 I wrote "do something this year with comploete attention and intensity, as if it were the last". The great thing is that I've come slowly to realize it is the small stuff really. Like feeding the birds, bats, cats, playing with Maria (age 4), finding Skype and seeing your face. Wow! What fun it is every day just to learn those little things. Thanks for being faithful

  2. Your suggestion about being too vague has really helped me set my goals this year. When I wrote them down (something else I learned from you), I noticed that the smaller I made each one, the more I feel like I can accomplish them. It also worked best for me to break them down into daily, weekly and monthly goals, another skill you taught me! Thank you!
