Thursday, July 8, 2010

Week 4 Challenge - Resolve


It's funny that this week I wanted to talk about resolve. One of my goals for the 52Week Challenge is to sell the Florida condo and I arrived last night ready to accomplish a multitude of tasks. It will be close to a miracle to accomplish everything I want to but there are lots of hours in the day and I am ready for the challenge.

But when I walked into a very hot condo last night I realized I had a new to-do item. And as I sit here typing almost 24 hours later I am trying to relax and find my resolve. It would be easy to say "I'm hot and don't want to do any of this now". (Plus I also noticed two other things so my list is growing not shrinking).

How amazing that this is exactly what I wanted to talk about even before these things started happening. Sometimes when you get going with a goal you may feel like it is "2 steps forward and 1 step back". Resolve is a character I admire in people. It's that stick-to-it attitude. Throwing your arms in the air and giving up doesn't accomplish anything.

Frustration is to be expected. These are hurdles you can either leap over or find a creative way to get around. Don't succumb to frustration or fear (of success or failure). Be courageous and steadfast. I will paraphrase something I heard my brother Dan say the other day that I really admire. Sometimes its just standing up for what you want that is the win. Now that's resolve! That's the attitude that will move mountains and even if it doesn't you will look back and say "I showed up".

It's not just fear or frustration that can hold you back. It can also be something like guilt. Watch when you say "I should" or "I shouldn't". It usually means some guilt is sneaking in and that can pull you off track too. Stick with it! You can make adjustments as you navigate your way towards your goal; just don't give up.

The reason I wanted to talk about resolve now is because starting next week we will be getting into some challenges that will make you think a bit. Sometimes that can derail you all on its own. Let's get ready and toughen up a bit. Let's be confident and keep plugging away. You may even find it's kind of exciting.

The Challenge

Your challenge for this week is simple: Understand s*%# happens. And when it does breathe through it, shake it off, chill out, talk about it, write about it, laugh about it... You get the idea.

Have a great week and share with us by posting a comment.

1 comment:

  1. This past year a friend gave a ball cap to me. Don't usually wear them, I am not a "hat" person. But this one I have worn, and do keep it in my car because of the words of wisdom printed on it. They are the same words you used in the challenge, Jen, just said in a little different way.

    "Trust in your senses, Get a grip, Enjoy the nightlife," and my favorite, "Guano happens".

    As a person who has learned so much from our dear, furry, flying creatures of the night, I have to say this is a perfect mantra.
