Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 24 - Celebrating

This weeks challenge is about celebrating your successes. It's all too easy to focus on our shortcomings so here is your change to change that.

The Challenge:
Take a moment to think about where you have been successful with your goals and celebrate those successes. Especially during a busy time of year filled with other types of celebrating; if you are sticking to your goals I congratulate you!

What I'm working on:
I'm all about productivity but that can mean I focus on what needs to be done. That can be tiresome and therefore I will take time to find joy. Oddly enough I selected this weeks challenge months ago but it really does have extra personal meaning for me this week.

Have a fantastic week!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 23 - Thanksgiving

For this week of where we celebrate Thanksgiving I will keep the challenge simple.

The Challenge:
Simply give thanks. Think about all of your blessings and not your suffering. If one part of your body is unhealthy or painful then focus on all the parts that are working well. Be thankful for feeling safe, your home, money, material items and most importantly your family and friends. Only focus on the blessings. If you hate your job be grateful that you have one. If you are in an unpleasant relationship, be thankful for the awareness that may lead you to positive change.

Take nothing for granted! They are all gifts and you can lose any or all of them in the blink of an eye.

What I'm working on:
I am thankful I will be spending time with my husband and my father and the upcoming visit with my mom. I am thankful my oldest nephew/Godson and his wife had a healthy baby boy this week. I am thankful for all of my loved ones and my good health. I am thankful for all opportunities and prosperity that have come my way and to my loved ones. I am thankful I get to work in a capacity that I think provides value and meaning. I am thankful to be writing to you right now.

Here's to a healthy, happy and safe week.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 22 - Spending/Expending and law of polarity

It's only fair that I talk about spending since our previous challenge was that of saving. However I want to include the topic to that of expending so we can talk about both the use of our time and energy as well.

Our money, time and energy are not limitless because we are in form; or matter. Only things out of form can experience limitlessness. If you have only so much time, money and energy then it may be a good idea to use this challenge to create some awareness around how you are using all three.

But first let's talk about the universal law of polarity. The universal laws are also know and the laws of nature and these laws are always at work; whether you believe or even know about them. The ancient concept of yin/yang teaches us about this and the objective is to not teach so much about the opposites as it is to teach about finding the center, which is where harmony and balance exist. That does not mean we always have to stay in the middle but we should realize that one extreme will lead to another. If for example you spend too much money you will be broke or in debt. If you work too much you may feel tired or your relationships or health may suffer. If you waste your time you may find you have regrets.

The Challenge

This weeks challenge has three parts and you can do as many as you would like. Since your money, time, and energy are limited then take a moment to think about how you use each. If you use them wisely you may notice you will have less drama in your life; and less stress.

1) Money - Think about the money you have (not what's available on your credit card). How can you best use that money? If you have debt you are probably paying interest so your best bet may be to pay down the debt but I also believe it is wise to save a little. If you wait to save until you have 'extra' money you will never do it. Create a good habit of saving even if it's just the change in your pocket.

2) Time - Take a moment to consider that you only have so many days left. They are precious so don't waste them. Think about what it is you want to accomplish before your last day and begin to create a plan to make it happen.

3) Energy - Take a moment to consider how your feel. Do you have good energy or do you feel fatigued, tired, depressed or stressed out. Good energy is usually a sign of balance and wellness. If you don't usually feel good then you may want to consider a change. Maybe you simply need to make some changes to your diet or start taking some Vitamin D. Maybe you should go to the doctor. If you rarely get exercise then maybe just starting to move more will make you feel better. Or is there a person or activity that is very draining for you? What changes can you make to improve that situation?

What I am working on:

I can't really get into it but I am making a big change in how I spend my working hours and have come up with a new strategy that I think will produce better results. I'll leave it at that.

Have a fantastic week and live well!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Challenge 21 - Saving

On Sunday November 7, 2010 daylight saving time ends; which lead me to thinking about the concept of saving. In many situations it can be more desirable to save something (in this case light) for when it would be more useful. When we go to standard time we 'fall back' and hour, which means we will gain an hour of light in the morning but lose the hour of light in the evening. In this situation there is only so much of the resource (light) so the best we can do is create a small shift.

The Challenge:

This weeks challenge also goes in two directions. Saving money and/or creating more of what you want in life. You can do both pieces to this challenge or pick one.

1) First lets talk about saving money. Do you typically save some, spend every penny you get, or overspend? Your relationship with money is less tied to how much you have and more part of who you are. People with very little money still save (and still give), and some people will always spend beyond their means. Take some time to think about your relationship with money and what beliefs and values come to mind? For example; do you believe you are a hard worker and deserve nice things now? Do you believe you will earn more later so charging (borrowing) is okay because you can pay it back later? Do you believe "A penny saved is a penny earned"? Take a moment to write down a few things that come to mind and see if you are pleased with what you are discovering about yourself. If not; what shift can you make? This can be a new goal.

Money is energy and another name for money is currency. When you borrow you are giving your energy away; and usually you have to pay more money (interest) for the privilege of borrowing. You are indebted to someone and in debt. This can leave you feeling empty and powerless. Money creates opportunities. Even if you don't need a lot of money, it's still a good idea to save and if you want you can always give it away and create positive change (energy) for the world around you. Are you typically a giver or taker? Even small amounts of saving and giving is very powerful.

2) What would you enjoy having more of in your life? There are many things you can't put a price tag on like happiness, love, peace, friendship, etc. You need no money for these things so take a moment to write down what it is you really want. For exmaple, some people may think buying an expensive car will make them feel important but you can feel that without the car if you'd prefer. It's about your actions not your things.

What I'm working on:
As my husband and I work on decorating our new home we have decided on a specific amount of money to use to get started. It is not a lot so I am told so I have carefully prioritized what I want. When that initial money is gone then we will create a monthly allowance based on our earnings.

I believe another upside to the 'pay as we go' approach is that the anticipation makes it more special. It's like waiting for a big vacation. Sometimes half the fun are the months leading up to the big trip. Every day seems lighter and easier because there is something to look forward to.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 20 -What Scares You?


Halloween was yesterday and last week I wrote an article for that you may be interested in. This is an important topic to address when you are feeling stuck, or frustrated about the lack of good results you are getting. I will copy the article below but please go to check out this wonderful website when you have time. There is tons of great information!

Your Challenge: Read the article below and begin to think about what scares you and how it is holding you back. Then come up with at least 3 ways you can begin to make improvements.

What I'm working on: All of it! But in particular I think it's important to start small. Now that I have relocated I have a whole new community of people to meet and opportunities which is great but that it can create uncertainty because it's all brand new and there is so much that is unknown.


What’s Holding You Back? How to Tackle Things that Scare You
By: Jenny Gallagher
Article Source:

Halloween is a fun time to celebrate scary things but if fear is keeping you from moving forward in your career or life then read on. Fear in many cases is unwarranted and with focus, time and patience you can overcome your fears. Here are some common fears:

• Loss (a job, relationship, material items)
• Death
• Lack of Knowledge or Information
• Lack of connection with others (loneliness, isolation, alienation)
• Competition
• Public Speaking
• Failure
• Conflict
• Embarrassment

You may think it is impossible to not be afraid of something serious like death but in fact this helps to illustrate a very important point. While there are things that will happen in your life that will be a struggle it does not mean you need to be paralyzed by fear and ruin your life until then; and many times fear will actually attract what it is you are trying to avoid.

Let’s say for example you have applied for a promotion at work and just found out someone else with similar qualifications did as well. You may start to act differently; maybe you will try to get information from others or start to discredit their accomplishments in a way to feel superior. Both of these behaviors could get you into trouble and may even be the reason you don’t get the job.

Or let’s say you are in a new relationship. If this is something you have wanted for a while you may be more interested in being in a relationship then in being in the right relationship. You may behave in ways that make you seem insecure or needy, which could cause a premature end to the relationship.
People that want to avoid embarrassment actually avoid opportunity; people that want to avoid loss actually avoid gain; people that hate competition are usually competing and so on. To bring about positive change you need to face your fear. Here are a few ideas:

• Learn More – Information is power. The more you know the more comfortable you will become in that area. Find articles, read books, or ask others what they did in a similar situation. If you are hate public speaking maybe you could ask a good public speaker to share some words of wisdom. They may even share stories about when they first started which could help you to see the possibilities you can also achieve. Another benefit to learning is that you will learn new ideas and techniques that you can try. Remember - If you keep approaching a situation the same way you will probably keep getting the same results, so only do that when you like you are happy with your outcomes.

• Start Small – When confronting any fear start small. If you know you are afraid of competition then create a controlled situation to practice getting comfortable with; or maybe even enjoying competing. For example; play games you know you are not good at and get used to losing. Once you see it probably won’t kill you then you will have a healthier relationship with both sides of competition. Or let’s say your relationships always make you feel undervalued. Then practice role playing with a friend or hire a life or business coach. When you are fearful of a lack of connection, you may be acting in a way that is creating one. If you are afraid of losing anything (relationships, debates, promotions) then practice by giving stuff away. Learning how to donate your time, money and material items will not only help you confront your fear but will also help others in need.

• Celebrate Success – Reward yourself for any progress you make. Don’t play it down because it’s a big deal and the rewards will keep you moving forward.

• Practice – Continue to practice using different situations and make the challenges bigger as you move along. Many times fear will come back if you don’t routinely engage in practice. Remember to make it fun. If you’d like consider taking yoga classes. That way you can experience emotions in a safe and peaceful environment. You will find that what you are afraid of is the feeling, or emotion that comes about in a situation. You will realize that feeling inadequate, embarrassed, bored, or silly is temporary and that with awareness you can shift your thoughts to something about the pose that is positive and rewarding; even if it’s humility.

• Expect Setbacks – Even if they do not happen expect that they will, especially if you are working on something that is a big deal to you. You can spend years working on a trigger point (e.g., getting angry when you are embarrassed) and then suddenly out of nowhere you feel like you are back at square one. Don’t give up and whenever possible keep a sense of humor.

Remember that on Halloween you only get the treat for a trick. Set your intention as clearly as you would create the Halloween costume or decorations for your home and have some fun facing those things that scare you.

Article Source: