Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week 33 - Check in

This week I am giving you a little break from a new challenge and instead want you to simply check in. Ask yourself:
-How have I been doing with my goals?
-How do I feel about myself and my situations?
-Is there a new direction I should be considering?

That's it. For those of you that have been sticking with this I want to personally acknowledge your effort. There is something special about you because it can be easy to quit. For those of you that are seriously thinking about getting started I applaud you as well. Think of me as your cheerleader as well as your coach. You have to play the game but I can guide and support you along the way. Isn't it nice to know you aren't doing it alone?

Have a great week!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 32 - Meditation

Don't worry -- if you aren't used to this I'll make it easy!

The Challenge: Be mindful. That is a great place to start. You may notice you focus on what you are doing or the absence of "doing". In other words; meditation practices vary. In the 8 limbs of yoga one limb is concentation; because focusing on one thing can be easier than focusing on nothing. Meditation is also one of the 8 limbs. Here you begin to notice the gaps between the thoughts. Explore and find peace. Hopefully you will find this practice relaxing and healing.

What I am working on:
Again today I realized how easy it is for me to be in the future. I am a planner and that can make it hard to be present sometimes. I find it is easiest on my walks to be present. I spend time every day (even if just for a few moments) focusing on only my breath.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Week 31 - Contemplation

Welcome to another week. Are you living up to the goals you have set for yourself?

The Challenge:
Ask yourself a big question (use the question above or if you have a more important one in mind use that).

Next instead of "thinking" about it; contemplate the meaning. What's the difference? You do not allow judgements, criticism, pride; all ego to get involved. Don't be negative and don't move into planning or action mode. Instead you "thoughtfully" consider the question. Avoid seeking an answer. Maybe just stay with the question. This will allow you to look at your question with a peaceful heart and open mind. You may find this will move you forward in a new way. We all know it's new thoughts and actions that will get you different results and therefore this is what you need to do if you want better results. Only repeat thoughts and actions that bring about positive outcomes.

Have a great week!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Week 30 - Intention

For those of you that know me you probably know I hate the term "New Years Resolution". Instead I prefer to have people think of their intention. To me it has more of a forward focus and isn't as over-used which can then lead to different; hopefully better outcomes.

The Challenge:

Look at the what you came up with from last week and think about what added clarity you can create as you move from resolution to intention. Does it allow for any meaningful change for you? If it makes no difference then you have nothing else to do this week but don't rush way just yet. Take a few minutes to close your eyes and think about what it is you want. What determined action can you move forward with this week?

The biggest problem (I think) with New Years resolutions is that we forget about them. Don't do that! Come up with one new idea and action item this week and continue to repeat those actions that have been working for you. If it's worth while then stick with it!

What I'm working on:
For each of my goals from Week 1 I have one focus. For my health and wellness goal I have already created an exercise routine in my new town so now I will be working on some some improvements with my diet (that slacked off over the holidays). Both Health Beat Radio and Yen Path: Taking Steps Towards What You Want in Life have lots going on and will require much of my time. I am creating some amazing new opportunities here in Sarasota as a Wellness Coach. Most importantly I am looking forward to my friend Teresa's visit and then my mom and aunt will be coming down; after that Jody's Dad will be visiting and more family and friends are planning their trips. Jody and I are moving closer towards the completion of our move goal; and we enjoy quality time together when he visits every other weekend.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Week 29 - Resolution

The American Heritage Dictionary defines resolution as "The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination. A resolving to do something. A course of action determined or decided on". To me the key words here 'firm determination' and 'course of action'.

The Challenge:
Create a New Years Resolution that you can be sure you will be successful at achieving. Here are some suggestions:
1) Is your New Years Resolution too grand? Make sure you pick something reasonable. If it is a big goal that will take over 3 months to achieve then create short term goals so you can see progress and stay on track.
2) Is your New Years Resolution too vague? You must be specific enough to move you to action. Saying you want to lose weight, make more money, or find your true love isn't enough. Be specific.
3) Is your New Years Resolution negative? Losing weight is a prefect example of a negative goal; so is paying off debt (yes do that but focus on saving); and lastly don't have a goal for someone else (e.g., get my husband/kids/coworkers to...). First of all the mind cannot not think of something you suggestion so thinking of weight attracts weight. Secondly don't just focus on what you will not do and this is why I believe diets do not work. Deprivation is not sustainable. Instead think of what you will do (e.g., have an apple for afternoon snack vs pastry and high calorie coffee beverage, save money, meet new people).
4) Could there be reasons for self-sabotage? Many times people fail at goals because subconsciously they are afraid of who they will have to be if they succeed. If you have failed at achieving your goal before you may want to consider this question. For example, subconsciously you could be uncomfortable with the attention (positive or negative)that may come about from your change. Even the best intentioned friends and family may be enablers. This is a good topic to talk about with a life coach because if it is subconscious you may not even realize it.
5) Do you have the resources (time, money, information, etc) to accomplish your goal? If not your first goal may be making sure you have these things.

These are just some ideas. If you want some help give me a call and we can schedule some coaching sessions. It will really pay off.

What I'm working on:
My goals that I started working on in June at the beginning of the Yen Path Challenge were big goals and I have been making good progress. I continue to keep short term goals and action items to move me forward. I surround myself with like minded people whenever possible and continue to work with my mastermind partner (who happens to be a coach), personal trainer, acupuncturist and massage therapist. I continue to focus on keeping myself grounded which for me means plenty of quality time at home with my pets and with my loved ones. I also have a routine that includes my yoga, exercise, reading, meditation and spiritual practices on a regular basis.

My wish for you is that you will succeed at your New Years Resolutions. All the best.