Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Week 28 - Joy

The week before New Years seemed like a perfect time to talk about joy. Celebrating the past year and imagining the possibilities of the new year make us want to celebrate; and celebrations are typically joyful. Therefore this weeks challenge is easy. Find the joy.

The Challenge:
Find the joy. Take a moment to reflect on all of the blessings that came your way this past year (no matter how small). Next take a moment to think about the future and imagine what wonderful possibilities lie ahead of you. Ask yourself "What is my potential?" and write down a few ideas. Lastly take a moment to be present. Notice your surroundings and the simplicity of one single moment in time without thoughts moving you back or forward.

What I'm working on:
For the first time in many years my husband and I are going out for New Years Eve. Instead of a quiet celebration at home we will be around many of our new neighbors. At the stroke of midnight (every New Years Eve) I think about all of my loved ones and offer a moment of gratitude.

Happy New Year! Together I know we can create some amazing possibilities in the year ahead.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Week 27 - Love

Feeling loved and accepted is extremely important so this weeks challenge will provide an opportunity for you to think about a few things.

The Challenge:
First think about your needs. Do you feel loved? If so then take a moment to be grateful for that feeling. With love it is easier to flourish and you have been given an amazing gift so use it well. If you feel like love is lacking in your life then your challenge is to think about how you can change this. You may feel like this is not in your control; that love is something to be given and you are right. So why not give it to yourself. Take time to think about ways you can show more self love. If you truly love yourself you may be able to attract love from others because when we do not love ourselves we project need and helplessness which will trigger pity at best.

Next think about the needs of others. How can you create more love in the world around you? Simply offering a kind word or smile does help. Stop trying to inflict your needs and wishes on others and think about theirs instead. In turn others will then be more thoughtful of your needs and wishes.

What I am working on:
This time of year is easy to reflect and when I do I realize how blessed I am to have a wonderful husband, family, pets, friends, community and so on. These are the best gifts of all and I am truly grateful. Therefore I have and will continue to dedicate my time to helping to improve the lives of others in both my personal and professional life.

Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Week 26 - Peace

During this time of year when we hear words like "peace on earth good will towards men" what do you think about? Do you believe this is impossible and feel unattached to such a statement or maybe even cynical? Or does it call you to action. That is what this weeks challenge is all about.

The challenge:
This week think about how you can create more peace in your life and in the lives of others. It's not as hard as you think. A smile or a comforting word can go a long way. Offer to help someone else and remember to help yourself too. Givers tend to forget to do that so take time to make your day peaceful, calming and relaxing. Or seek out a new adventure. You can find peace in movement; you don't have to be still.

What I'm working on:
I'm thinking of ways to create peace and joy. It is my mission; which means my actions are guided by this weeks challenge. I will stay aware of how I am feeling and make changes whenever necessary.

That's it! Have a peaceful and joyful week.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Week 25 - Simplicity

Isn't this the perfect week to focus on simplicity? Think about it - most of us have more to do with the holidays. We eat more, drink more, shop and spend more, etc.

If you are feeling stressed out or are just looking for a way to reconnect then this challenge is for you.

The Challenge:
Commit to one change you will make for the week that will make your life easier. Or if you have a to-do list; review it and only do things you really have to do.

What I'm working on:
I've been super busy and am looking forward to creating simplicity through my entire holiday season. I usually don't decorate a lot any way but may even do less this year. For me the focus will be on quality; not quantity.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Week 24 - Celebrating

This weeks challenge is about celebrating your successes. It's all too easy to focus on our shortcomings so here is your change to change that.

The Challenge:
Take a moment to think about where you have been successful with your goals and celebrate those successes. Especially during a busy time of year filled with other types of celebrating; if you are sticking to your goals I congratulate you!

What I'm working on:
I'm all about productivity but that can mean I focus on what needs to be done. That can be tiresome and therefore I will take time to find joy. Oddly enough I selected this weeks challenge months ago but it really does have extra personal meaning for me this week.

Have a fantastic week!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 23 - Thanksgiving

For this week of where we celebrate Thanksgiving I will keep the challenge simple.

The Challenge:
Simply give thanks. Think about all of your blessings and not your suffering. If one part of your body is unhealthy or painful then focus on all the parts that are working well. Be thankful for feeling safe, your home, money, material items and most importantly your family and friends. Only focus on the blessings. If you hate your job be grateful that you have one. If you are in an unpleasant relationship, be thankful for the awareness that may lead you to positive change.

Take nothing for granted! They are all gifts and you can lose any or all of them in the blink of an eye.

What I'm working on:
I am thankful I will be spending time with my husband and my father and the upcoming visit with my mom. I am thankful my oldest nephew/Godson and his wife had a healthy baby boy this week. I am thankful for all of my loved ones and my good health. I am thankful for all opportunities and prosperity that have come my way and to my loved ones. I am thankful I get to work in a capacity that I think provides value and meaning. I am thankful to be writing to you right now.

Here's to a healthy, happy and safe week.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 22 - Spending/Expending and law of polarity

It's only fair that I talk about spending since our previous challenge was that of saving. However I want to include the topic to that of expending so we can talk about both the use of our time and energy as well.

Our money, time and energy are not limitless because we are in form; or matter. Only things out of form can experience limitlessness. If you have only so much time, money and energy then it may be a good idea to use this challenge to create some awareness around how you are using all three.

But first let's talk about the universal law of polarity. The universal laws are also know and the laws of nature and these laws are always at work; whether you believe or even know about them. The ancient concept of yin/yang teaches us about this and the objective is to not teach so much about the opposites as it is to teach about finding the center, which is where harmony and balance exist. That does not mean we always have to stay in the middle but we should realize that one extreme will lead to another. If for example you spend too much money you will be broke or in debt. If you work too much you may feel tired or your relationships or health may suffer. If you waste your time you may find you have regrets.

The Challenge

This weeks challenge has three parts and you can do as many as you would like. Since your money, time, and energy are limited then take a moment to think about how you use each. If you use them wisely you may notice you will have less drama in your life; and less stress.

1) Money - Think about the money you have (not what's available on your credit card). How can you best use that money? If you have debt you are probably paying interest so your best bet may be to pay down the debt but I also believe it is wise to save a little. If you wait to save until you have 'extra' money you will never do it. Create a good habit of saving even if it's just the change in your pocket.

2) Time - Take a moment to consider that you only have so many days left. They are precious so don't waste them. Think about what it is you want to accomplish before your last day and begin to create a plan to make it happen.

3) Energy - Take a moment to consider how your feel. Do you have good energy or do you feel fatigued, tired, depressed or stressed out. Good energy is usually a sign of balance and wellness. If you don't usually feel good then you may want to consider a change. Maybe you simply need to make some changes to your diet or start taking some Vitamin D. Maybe you should go to the doctor. If you rarely get exercise then maybe just starting to move more will make you feel better. Or is there a person or activity that is very draining for you? What changes can you make to improve that situation?

What I am working on:

I can't really get into it but I am making a big change in how I spend my working hours and have come up with a new strategy that I think will produce better results. I'll leave it at that.

Have a fantastic week and live well!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Challenge 21 - Saving

On Sunday November 7, 2010 daylight saving time ends; which lead me to thinking about the concept of saving. In many situations it can be more desirable to save something (in this case light) for when it would be more useful. When we go to standard time we 'fall back' and hour, which means we will gain an hour of light in the morning but lose the hour of light in the evening. In this situation there is only so much of the resource (light) so the best we can do is create a small shift.

The Challenge:

This weeks challenge also goes in two directions. Saving money and/or creating more of what you want in life. You can do both pieces to this challenge or pick one.

1) First lets talk about saving money. Do you typically save some, spend every penny you get, or overspend? Your relationship with money is less tied to how much you have and more part of who you are. People with very little money still save (and still give), and some people will always spend beyond their means. Take some time to think about your relationship with money and what beliefs and values come to mind? For example; do you believe you are a hard worker and deserve nice things now? Do you believe you will earn more later so charging (borrowing) is okay because you can pay it back later? Do you believe "A penny saved is a penny earned"? Take a moment to write down a few things that come to mind and see if you are pleased with what you are discovering about yourself. If not; what shift can you make? This can be a new goal.

Money is energy and another name for money is currency. When you borrow you are giving your energy away; and usually you have to pay more money (interest) for the privilege of borrowing. You are indebted to someone and in debt. This can leave you feeling empty and powerless. Money creates opportunities. Even if you don't need a lot of money, it's still a good idea to save and if you want you can always give it away and create positive change (energy) for the world around you. Are you typically a giver or taker? Even small amounts of saving and giving is very powerful.

2) What would you enjoy having more of in your life? There are many things you can't put a price tag on like happiness, love, peace, friendship, etc. You need no money for these things so take a moment to write down what it is you really want. For exmaple, some people may think buying an expensive car will make them feel important but you can feel that without the car if you'd prefer. It's about your actions not your things.

What I'm working on:
As my husband and I work on decorating our new home we have decided on a specific amount of money to use to get started. It is not a lot so I am told so I have carefully prioritized what I want. When that initial money is gone then we will create a monthly allowance based on our earnings.

I believe another upside to the 'pay as we go' approach is that the anticipation makes it more special. It's like waiting for a big vacation. Sometimes half the fun are the months leading up to the big trip. Every day seems lighter and easier because there is something to look forward to.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Week 20 -What Scares You?


Halloween was yesterday and last week I wrote an article for that you may be interested in. This is an important topic to address when you are feeling stuck, or frustrated about the lack of good results you are getting. I will copy the article below but please go to check out this wonderful website when you have time. There is tons of great information!

Your Challenge: Read the article below and begin to think about what scares you and how it is holding you back. Then come up with at least 3 ways you can begin to make improvements.

What I'm working on: All of it! But in particular I think it's important to start small. Now that I have relocated I have a whole new community of people to meet and opportunities which is great but that it can create uncertainty because it's all brand new and there is so much that is unknown.


What’s Holding You Back? How to Tackle Things that Scare You
By: Jenny Gallagher
Article Source:

Halloween is a fun time to celebrate scary things but if fear is keeping you from moving forward in your career or life then read on. Fear in many cases is unwarranted and with focus, time and patience you can overcome your fears. Here are some common fears:

• Loss (a job, relationship, material items)
• Death
• Lack of Knowledge or Information
• Lack of connection with others (loneliness, isolation, alienation)
• Competition
• Public Speaking
• Failure
• Conflict
• Embarrassment

You may think it is impossible to not be afraid of something serious like death but in fact this helps to illustrate a very important point. While there are things that will happen in your life that will be a struggle it does not mean you need to be paralyzed by fear and ruin your life until then; and many times fear will actually attract what it is you are trying to avoid.

Let’s say for example you have applied for a promotion at work and just found out someone else with similar qualifications did as well. You may start to act differently; maybe you will try to get information from others or start to discredit their accomplishments in a way to feel superior. Both of these behaviors could get you into trouble and may even be the reason you don’t get the job.

Or let’s say you are in a new relationship. If this is something you have wanted for a while you may be more interested in being in a relationship then in being in the right relationship. You may behave in ways that make you seem insecure or needy, which could cause a premature end to the relationship.
People that want to avoid embarrassment actually avoid opportunity; people that want to avoid loss actually avoid gain; people that hate competition are usually competing and so on. To bring about positive change you need to face your fear. Here are a few ideas:

• Learn More – Information is power. The more you know the more comfortable you will become in that area. Find articles, read books, or ask others what they did in a similar situation. If you are hate public speaking maybe you could ask a good public speaker to share some words of wisdom. They may even share stories about when they first started which could help you to see the possibilities you can also achieve. Another benefit to learning is that you will learn new ideas and techniques that you can try. Remember - If you keep approaching a situation the same way you will probably keep getting the same results, so only do that when you like you are happy with your outcomes.

• Start Small – When confronting any fear start small. If you know you are afraid of competition then create a controlled situation to practice getting comfortable with; or maybe even enjoying competing. For example; play games you know you are not good at and get used to losing. Once you see it probably won’t kill you then you will have a healthier relationship with both sides of competition. Or let’s say your relationships always make you feel undervalued. Then practice role playing with a friend or hire a life or business coach. When you are fearful of a lack of connection, you may be acting in a way that is creating one. If you are afraid of losing anything (relationships, debates, promotions) then practice by giving stuff away. Learning how to donate your time, money and material items will not only help you confront your fear but will also help others in need.

• Celebrate Success – Reward yourself for any progress you make. Don’t play it down because it’s a big deal and the rewards will keep you moving forward.

• Practice – Continue to practice using different situations and make the challenges bigger as you move along. Many times fear will come back if you don’t routinely engage in practice. Remember to make it fun. If you’d like consider taking yoga classes. That way you can experience emotions in a safe and peaceful environment. You will find that what you are afraid of is the feeling, or emotion that comes about in a situation. You will realize that feeling inadequate, embarrassed, bored, or silly is temporary and that with awareness you can shift your thoughts to something about the pose that is positive and rewarding; even if it’s humility.

• Expect Setbacks – Even if they do not happen expect that they will, especially if you are working on something that is a big deal to you. You can spend years working on a trigger point (e.g., getting angry when you are embarrassed) and then suddenly out of nowhere you feel like you are back at square one. Don’t give up and whenever possible keep a sense of humor.

Remember that on Halloween you only get the treat for a trick. Set your intention as clearly as you would create the Halloween costume or decorations for your home and have some fun facing those things that scare you.

Article Source:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Week 19 (last post was really 18) Being Still

Hello and sorry for the mess up with my numbering. This is really week 19 and I've decided to add a new topic in to elaborate on my challenge of Movement.

Being still can be a challenge for most of us. We like to move and that is fine -- like I mentioned in the Week 16 Challenge movement is life. I also mentioned that meditation is not stillness because their is progression and want to elaborate on this topic.

Why is being still such a challenge? Because it requires silence and surrender; and most importantly it teaches us about ourselves. This can be scary and therefore people would rather focus on external stimulus vs being introspective. That is fine however it can lead to an inner disconnect. In other words you start to lose your sense of self. Are you living your life or one for others?

If you start to lose your ground (e.g., aren't happy, not sure who you really are anymore, etc) then this challenge is especially important for you. This is probably one of the most important challenges for all of us. Remember when I use the word challenge it's to encourage growth. If we stay in the norm there is no room for growth (and that is the bad type of stillness, or inertia).

The Challenge:
1) Take 5 minutes each day to sit quietly. Set a timer so you don't spend the 5 minutes wondering how long you have been sitting.
2) Just sit and observe your thoughts. Don't engage in the thoughts; just notice them. Maybe you can imagine labeling each thought with a title like "work", "poor self talk", "judgement", etc.
3) After your 5 minutes reflect on what came up for you. What did your 5 minutes teach you? Did a new awareness about yourself come up? Is there something you want to work on?

What I'm working on:
I love learning new things and part of learning requires some judgement. As humans we take in new information by comparing it to something else we understand. This can be risky because we can too quickly label without exploring the "newness". For me it is helpful to take that extra moment to reflect vs. quickly lumping new information into an old category. Or it may be the same category but a new layer. For example, I went to a workshop yesterday and when I first got there I was thinking "I know this already". But then with my awareness I settled into stillness to listen vs. judge. Doing so created such a profound shift for me and by the end of the day I not only learned new things but created clarity in other areas. And what a joy it was to spend the day with other people interested in wellness!

Have a great week and Live Well!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 19 - Nutrition

This week we will focus on an important topic that can be easy to sometimes ignore. If you are the type of person to make good nutrition a regular priority in your life then congratulations (and please post to share your secrets).

Personally I wavier between a healthy diet that mainly consists of whole foods (in their most natural form) and processed foods (which I find easier when I'm too busy to cook and do dishes). Fortunately I am always drawn back to a nutritious diet because I notably feel better when I do.

The Challenge:
1) Pick a week you can really commit to this challenge so it does not need to be this week.
2) Think about your current food choices and where you can make a few changes to bring in better nutrients (e.g., for me that would be to have an apple and a few almonds with a big glass of water for an afternoon snack vs. a skim latte and protein bar).
3) Commit to the more nutritious food choice for at least one week but if you really want to create a healthy habit then do it for one month. That way you may find that you have made a lasting shift.

What I'm working on:
I will be starting my day with a drink I learned about from one of my guests which is a cup of spinach, one large peach and one slice of mango blended. Believe it or not it is VERY good and spinach has a very mild taste. I will have the apple snack (as I mentioned above) and only have one cup of coffee in the morning. Breakfast will be an egg with sprouted toast; lunch and dinner fresh veggies, salads, rice and chicken. Also on Saturday I am attending a workshop to learn more about creating a less acidic diet so I will update you on that later.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Week 17 - Self Care

When was the last time you did something just for yourself? I'm going to hope you can think of something you have done recently; or maybe even several things. But if I had to guess you are the type of person that takes pride in doing for others. Your day is full of commitments and just working and/or taking care of a family can fill up your day.

Plus most of us believe that self care is being selfish and frivolous. Do you feel guilty when you are taking care of yourself? If so this challenge is for you. I believe self care helps you to be selfless and better able to take care of others. If you feel resentful about your commitments its time to take care of yourself. You are like a car running on empty and you need to fill up. When you do you can reconnect with the joy and enjoyment of your daily commitments. You will be a better in all that you do because you now have the energy for those things.

The challenge:

1) Examine your feelings and where you feel struggle in your life. Write down some key words that describe your feelings and struggle. Here are some examples: Do you hate your job? Do you feel resentment towards someone? Did you let yourself down in some way?

2) Close your eyes and relax. Then image your perfect self, job, relationships... This alone is a form of self care. When you let yourself relax and see perfection you are allowing the universal law of attraction to work with; not against you. Don't worry about how to make it happen; just see it in your minds eye.

3) Write down something you can do to take care of yourself. This may be taking a hot bath, going for a walk, getting a massage or facial, doing your nails or planning a fun activity.

What I'm working on:

With my move, my book, co-founding, my business, my pets, etc. I have been extra busy and that's not going to change for a while. My nails are broken and I am in desperate need of a haircut, so I will try to find places in my new town to get these services. I found a great yoga studio last week and plan on going back for a few more classes. If I can get the algae out of my pool I will go for a swim and spend time with my pets and my husband. My mom has been here this week which was a huge help with unpacking so today we will be spending most of today out shopping, having dinner and going for a walk on Lido Key.

Make the most out of your week. Have some fun so you can be your best.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 16 - Movement

Hello. I find it funny that I had selected movement for this week (back in June) and in fact this is the week after a lot of movement for myself and my family. My husband and I just completed our cross country drive from Portland OR to Sarasota FL with our two chihuahuas and two cats. The trip was a lot of fun and they all enjoyed staying in hotels :)

The reason I selected movement as a challenge is because of it's importance in a variety of ways. You need movement to stay alive; both physical movement and for progression through life. Without movement you would not last very long; it helps you to satisfy basic needs like finding food and shelter, and much more.

Lets talk about physical movement first. When you do not move enough you may notice you get stiff. This is the first sign inertia is setting in. Movement is life. Even when you are physically still in meditation there is a growth opportunity and therefore that is progression (or movement); not inertia. Things with no movement stagnate and die; including your dreams. This leads me to our challenge.

The Challenge:

1) Think about areas of your life where you have stagnated and why.

2) Write down 3 things you can do to bring about positive change in these areas.

3) Commit to a start date and stick with it. The hardest part of inertia is it takes more effort at first to get going. It will get easier.

What I'm working on:

While we drove far and moved into our new home I have not had an opportunity to exercise as much as I would have liked but now the problem is I don't feel like exercising. I'm physically tired and also have other things I feel like I need to do with my time. While I have lots of great positive movement in my life my focus needs to be physical exercise this week. I will start gently. My 3 changes will be long walks outside, short runs on my treadmill and going to a 90 minute yoga class on Wednesday.

Okay that is it! Have fun and enjoy your week.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Week 15 - Fun

Hello and welcome.

If you've been sticking with the challenge you may be ready to have some fun so this week is dedicated to that. It's easy for life to get serious and filled with all of those to-do's. But fun isn't just for kids and has an amazing healing affect. And after a very relaxing or enjoyable experience you may find you have more energy for your goals and commitments.

Your Challenge:

Find something fun to do. If you aren't sure think about what you used to love to do or ask your friends what they like. Maybe go get a relaxing massage or facial. Maybe plan or go on a vacation. Maybe just play for a bit. That's it!

What I'm working on:

My husband and I will be going on our cross country drive with our two chihuahuas and two cats. We sold the FL condo and will have the closing for our new home in Sarasota FL next week. We are both excited about the journey and happy and hopeful about our future. While the trip will be long and challenging at times I will continue to focus on the blessings in my life and take in the beauty and new sites around me.

Have a fantastic week! This is my last post from the lovely Northwest. Next time I write I will be back in the Southeast. Until then; live well.

Week 14 - Planning

If you read the title and this makes you want to hide under your covers don't worry. It's not as bad as you think. You don't need to be a logical, analytical type to be a good planner. You can be a good dreamer. Here is your challenge

The Challenge:
1) Look over your vision, mission, purpose and goal then sit back and close your eyes. Now imagine a natural progression from where you are with your goal and where it is you want to be. Walk through it; day dream and imagine the wonderful possibilities.
2) Write down some important points that may have come up for you in Step #1.
3) Create action items. If you feel like you are not ready then consider requesting my strategizing worksheet. I would be more than happy to send you one or you can purchase a copy of my book Four Steps to a Better Life for $9.95 at The worksheet is in the book plus other good information that will help you to complete the worksheet.

What I'm working on:
I LOVE to plan. The other day while I was at the vet with my cat the receptionist said "I bet you are so organized". I am but over planning can turn into worrying if you are not careful so keep it productive and then start thinking about something else. That's what I need to work on anyway. :)

Have a great week and Live Well

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week 13 - Unmet Needs

Hello and welcome to another week of making your goals and dreams come true. Last week we talked about beliefs and hopefully you revised a few of yours. This week we will talk about unmet needs and how they can prevent success.

Most of us are familiar with our basic needs which are things like food, water, shelter and safety. An unmet need will demand action to satisfy the need. A met need requires no action and usually you will not even think about a need when it is met.

There are other types of needs and these vary from person to person. For example; some people need to be the center of attention, some people need beauty in their life, others need adventure and others need stability.

Understanding your needs will help you to satisfy them in a way that is in alignment with your goal. If you do not do this you may find you are getting frustrated because you never seem to get the outcomes that you desire. Here are some examples:

-Let's say you are a person that needs to be the center of attention and your goal is to get a promotion. Your attention getting actions may be creating a perception that you are 'the class clown' and this may not be what your boss is looking for from higher level staff.
-If you require beauty or adventure in your life then it could be you spend significant amounts of time or money on satisfying these needs. A goal of saving money or financial security could be more challenging. And if you are spending your spare time with these needs you may believe you do not have time for your goal and put it off altogether.
-If you require stability you could be missing out on opportunities that come your way.

The Challenge:
1) Create a list of your needs and how you satisfy them; or the action. (e.g., Attention = making people laugh, dressing to stand out. Beauty = makeup, clothing, home decorating, walks in nature. Stability = staying in a job/relationship I don't love.)
2) Scan your list to see if any of the actions related to the needs are in conflict with your goal.
3) Write down a description of how that action may be sabotaging your goal (e.g., Attention = making people laugh at work - This may be a distraction that limits productivity and prevents me from being perceived as a leader).
4) Come up with a new way to satisfy that need (e.g., Attention = making people laugh at work - This may be a distraction that limits productivity and prevents me from being perceived as a leader. Instead I will join a local Improv group.)

What I'm working on:
I have a need to help out. If you are familiar with the Enneagram Personality Profile I am #2 - Giver. There are lots of positives but this can lead me to what I now know to be as interfering. I have learned as a coach that sometimes it is best not to jump in to assist; a persons growth comes from their experience. This has helped me to be more careful when I interact with others. The need to help out can sabotage my goals because if I feel someone needs me I will drop everything to help them. Again - that can be a good thing in many situations but not always. I have to ask - am I helping or interfering and go from there. I've learned to ask if they want help vs. assuming they do and I have learned that listening is sometimes the greatest gift any of us can give of ourselves.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Week12 - Beliefs

I'm posting now for Monday 9/5 because I will be in FL next week to move out of our condo. As you may know one of my goals for the 52 week challenge was to sell the condo (and to buy a home but that piece has not happened yet). My husband will stay home with the pets and I will go back to Florida for the move and closing. My Mom and Dad will be there with me and I will get to see my aunt and cousins as well. Saying goodbye will be hard even though this is exactly what we wanted. This is a good transition into this weeks challenge.

The Challenge:
Sometimes we need to say goodbye to old belief systems. Like everything else beliefs can become old and outdated. A belief that is out of alignment with your goal will increase the likelihood of failure; and unfortunately sometimes we are not even aware of them. Your challenge for this week is to examine your beliefs and come up with a few new ones. This can take a little detective work because you need to start to notice your actions and that includes how you communicate.

Here's an example: Let's say you have a goal to get physically fit and one of your action items is to replace processed foods with whole foods. You are off to a great start because you have good goal wording and a good action item. A few months have gone by and you are not getting the results you hoped for. You can say to yourself "see this positive thinking stuff doesn't work" (which on it's own is a negative belief) and give up, or you can take some time to examine your beliefs. Did you learn as a child that you shouldn't leave food on your plate? If you believe you shouldn't waste food then you may be over consuming. Can you create a new belief like "I eat slowly so I can notice when I am satisfied".

Here's another example: Do you believe you don't deserve a bountiful life? Do you feel even asking for such a thing is greedy, selfish, or not necessary? Regardless of your age or station in life you deserve what your heart cries out for. If you want more time with family and friends, or want to have more fun, or want more satisfying experiences in life please don't sell yourself short. Listen to your heart; not the old beliefs telling you "it's not time" or "that's selfish".

What I'm working on:
In the second example above I use the word "deserve". I use that word because I do believe in my heart that we all deserve to live the best life possible and that we are meant to experience love, joy, etc during our time on this earth. Yes there are plenty of hardships; so we had better enjoy the time we've got. Because of my passion for life I tend to be pretty busy and one way I reward myself is eating out at restaurants. I love the experience because it means I don't have to shop, cook or clean up; and also that I can sit and enjoy quality time with someone I love. But this belief of "deserving a break" can lead to weight gain if I'm not careful. I'm not going to change the belief that I deserve a break but I do need to monitor my use of this belief. More importantly I want to feel good (healthy) and that is more easily accomplished when I eat my meals at home. Luckily I have a husband that helps with everything from shopping to cooking (not really clean-up) and I cherish our time at home together.

I hope you have a fantastic week and the next post will be on Monday 9/13. Be well and enjoy!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 11- Getting Unstuck!

This weeks challenge is by request. Anytime you are interested in something in particular please let me know. So here goes.

First lets define what stuck is as it relates to goals. To me it means two things. 1) You feel a sense of dissatisfaction as it relates to your progress. The good news here is that you are not really stuck; but you just aren't getting the results you want and this is what our challenge will focus on today. Note: Since we are using a feeling as the gauge please realize it is possible to first shift your feelings to one of accomplishment. So start by taking some time to write down the things you have accomplished. Maybe all you need is a re-framing of how you are thinking about things. But if not read on.
2) You are unaware that a change is needed. This is not any of you because these individuals are not here reading this blog right now. So congrats! You are way ahead of the game.

Let's talk about dissatisfaction then. How can you harness that energy and get moving again? Imagine your car is stuck in the snow. What you need to do is to create momentum. Hopefully you can find someone to help push from behind as you press a bit on the gas. With energy you create with this team work you may its easy to get out of a situation you otherwise would not have been able to do.

The Challenge:
It's time to create more clarity. This could mean re-reading some past challenges like Week 2 (Right Thinking), Week 3 (Creating your Network), Week 5 (Action), Week 7-9 (Vision, Mission, Purpose), Week 10 (Good Goal Wording). Or it could mean it's time for you to talk to someone else about what it is you are trying to accomplish. Getting their perspective/insights may help. Or hire a life coach to help. When we are stuck we need help! And it's okay to ask for it. Your challenge this week is to try one more time on your own and/or seek assistance and/or re-frame like I mentioned under #1 above. Call me if you want. I am here for you. FYI - Next weeks challenge will be to Examine Beliefs, Week 13 will be about Unmet Needs and Week 14 will be about Planning. Each challenge is meant to give you an additional tool so you can get the results you desire. Keep at it! Remember - If you are here reading this you are not as stuck as you think :)

What I'm working on:
I've been so busy its hard for me to dedicate my time to exercise; which I know is important for me to stay healthy and grounded (part of my 3rd goal). Part of what I have done is re-frame; when I'm busy is not the time to "push" myself into the gym; so I need to relax and feel good about the walks and gentle forms of exercise I am getting. The other thing I want to work on this week is cleaning up my diet. When I get busy I tend to eat more processed foods (and eat out more). This week I will be enjoying fresh, whole foods. That should help with my energy. I have also been going for acupuncture. I find this relaxing and helps prevent onset of illness (like colds) that can happen when my stress levels increase.

I hope that you find this weeks challenge helpful. Have a great week.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week 10 - The importance of good goal wording

Hello and welcome to week 10! Please remember to tell your friends and family they can join the challenge at any time. They do not need to start at Week 1 and there will be a winner and prize at the end of the 52 week challenge.

The Challenge:
On Week 1 I asked you to write down your goals. Now on Week 10 I want you to do two things:
1) How are your results so far? Are you heading in the right direction? Do you feel successful? Or have you given up or feel frustrated? If you are getting good results then you are all set and do not need to read #2 and congrats! Please share your outcomes in a post. And if you have already accomplished your goal then consider starting a new one!
2) Look at the wording of your goal. It could be you are too vague or are focusing on the negative. Can you think of a way to change the wording so you are more descriptive and positive? Here are some examples:
-I want to lose weight is an example of poor goal wording because you are focusing on weight (negative). The law of attraction states that you get what you focus on. If you are focusing on weight then that is what you will get. Adding the word lose doesn't matter -- your focus is on weight. Also, the word lose is a poor choice because usually we never want to lose anything. You don't like losing your key, money, a job -- usually our minds associate losing as a bad thing. Instead how can you be a winner? What do you want to win? Do you want to fit into a specific pair of jeans? Do you want your tummy or thighs to look a certain way? A goal of "A 29" waist" is a good goal. Notice I left "I wish" or "I want" out of the goal. If your goal is to want something then you have already accomplished it.
-I want to make more money is too vague. How about "I will get a part time job to pay for..."? Or "Make coffee at home and save the money for..."
-I want a new job or hobby is too vague. Why, what, how?

If you have a goal you want me to review with you please let me know. You can email me at and I would be happy to help.

What I'm working on:
I'm reading a great book called Positivity: Top-Notch Research Reveals the 3 to 1 ratio that Will Change Your Life by Barbara L. Fredrickson, Ph.D. Being positive doesn't mean you need to be phony or happy all the time. Instead it is your outlook and people with a positive outlook can actually reduce the amount of negativity that comes into their life because some is self-induced.

She mentions a meta-analysis where "The authors gathered nearly 300 different scientific studies of positivity , which collectively tested more than 275,000 people". "What did the study conclude? That positivity produces success in life as much as as it reflects success in life". It's what she calls the broaden-and-build theory which basically states that when something bad happens you can pretty much predict how a person will respond (run, fight, etc) but with positivity and good emotions you can't predict because opportunities broaden depending; and that will vary depending on the person. People get creative and build, produce, or create.

I have always been interested in learning about new studies and ideas that support my mission which is to foster and encourage positive thought and action. It does not mean I always live up to my standards but continuing to learn helps. It inspires me to be a better person. It's not knowing something that matters; it's living it. My way of staying motivated is to surround myself with like minded people/information whenever I can. I understand there are reasons for people to behave badly but that is not where I choose to focus my time and energy.

Make a conscious choice on how you want to move forward and reword your goal(s) if you want. Stay inspired, have fun and try being positive. Enjoy!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week 9 - The Importance of a Mission Statement

Hello and welcome to week 9! Again; I have included details on my topic from an article I wrote for

Your Challenge: Read the article and then write a mission statement. Please do it! You'll be amazed how much clarity you will gain and how much easier it will be to accomplish your goals.

What I'm working on: I have two mission statements. One that is short and rolls of my tongue which is 'to foster and encourage positive thought and action' and a much more detailed one in my Gallagher Solutions business plan. The short one allows me to connect with how I should act each and every minute. That doesn't mean I'm always successful but it is my focus on how I should act. Remember; missions are 'the do'. The details in my business plan helped me to create a strategy around getting from Point A, to Point B and so on. It's a map if you will that takes me step by step.

The Mission Statement By: Jenny Gallagher

If you haven’t read the article on Having a Vision then do that now because you want a vision statement first. The mission is what you will do to accomplish your vision. This is where you move from thought to action; from planning to implementation. And if you have an exciting vision then this is where it gets fun.

Mission statements tend to be more detailed. The process of creating a mission statement helps you to figure out what needs to happen. From here your next step will be to create goals and action items.

If you were to think of a funnel your purpose and vision are at the big opening at the top. Your mission statement helps you to determine what and when, and what comes out of the funnel are your results from your goals and action items. Results come from action; and you are not there yet. First plan; otherwise you may find the funnel may back up and start flowing over the edges at the top. Taking time to plan usually keeps things flowing more smoothly but of course re-adjustments may be required along the way.

Here’s how to write the mission statement:

- Think about how you would categorize your vision. Segmenting your vision into workable pieces helps you to see what needs to be done.
- For each segment begin to create a hierarchy, or in other words what needs to be done first. Do you need to purchase materials or create an infrastructure? Do you need more information or researches like people and money?
- Look at your categories. Are there pieces that can be done in the same time frame or do they need to wait for other things to be accomplished first?
- The steps under each category are your goals. Can you put time frames on the goals? If so you have also created an action item. Action items either have an end date or are ongoing tasks you need to stay up on. Either way you know when you have accomplished an action item because you can actually check it off as completed. If the ongoing action item must be completed daily, weekly, monthly, yearly then make sure you have that written down on your calendar so you remember to do it.

Now you are ready to make things happen. Take it one step at a time and re-adjust your mission, goals and actions items as you need to. Track your progress so you can feel good about your accomplishments and remember to celebrate your successes.


Jenny Gallagher has twenty-one years of experience in the health care industry and has been in business for herself for the past eight years. Her vision is success and well-being for all who desire it and her mission is to foster and encourage positive thought and action.

Article Source:

Jenny offers individual and group coaching, which is done over the phone so location is never an issue. She is a radio talk show host and The Jenny Gallagher Show Your Wellness Coach can be found on every Tuesday through Friday from noon to 1:00 eastern time.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Week 8 - Having a Vision

I recently wrote an article for and have included the article below so you can understand the importance of having a vision. Please read it first, then you can work on your challenge. Thanks and have a great week!

Your challenge: Read the steps below for creating a vision and do it. Trust me; it helps you get good results. Next week we will work on your mission which will move you into good goal wording and action items (different then the action challenge we had a few weeks ago). We are getting into the heart of the matter now. Stay with me!

What I'm working on: I spent years revising my vision but for the last few years it has been the same; Success and wellbeing for all who desire it. When I am faced with a choice on how to use my most valuable resources (time and money) I take a moment to make sure I'm in alignment with my vision. When I am not concious of my vision it is easier to stray off course. That's when it is more likely for me to feel frustration. It's easier for me to keep my eyes on the horizon (my vision) vs focusing on every little distraction. I believe it helps me to be more focused and confident. I know what I want and the steps I want to take to get there. How does this relate to my 3 goals from Week 1? The book is moving along wonderfully. I respond to the publishers requests immediately and this is my # 1 priority. A nice surprise spin off was my radio show and now co-founding Health Beat Radio which will provide 24/7 shows to inform and inspire our listeners to wellness. The condo is on the market and we already got one offer (low) and are getting lots of interest. I continue to struggle most with goal #3 which is to stay grounded through all of this. I'm doing okay but will refocus my attention this week on exercise and nutrition.

My article for www.bizymoms titled Having a Vision:Would you ever go on a trip without knowing where you want to go? Maybe if you were feeling a bit adventurous; but typically you know where you want to go and why first. Once you know then you start to think about the details like how you will get there, how long you will stay and what it is you would like to do. Then before your trip you prepare by packing and finishing up at home before you leave.

If life is a journey and you do not have a vision of your destination you may want to consider thinking about it. Businesses almost always have a vision statement which is a succinct way of wording where they imagine the business going. There direction is usually determined by an underlying purpose; a passion and belief that they are providing something of value. They’re mission statement usually describes how they will accomplish these things.

To compare the Vision, Purpose and Mission statements to a trip think of the purpose as the reason to go, the vision is the image of what the outcome will be and the mission is how you will make it happen.

Without a clear vision it can be easy to be lead off track by every little distraction that comes your way. With a good vision statement; especially one you can memorize; you can stay on track. Your vision will keep you focused and moving forward on your journey with greater ease. This can help you in your personal and professional life.

How do you write a vision statement? It’s easy because there are no rules but here are some ideas:

1) First take time to see yourself in the future. What does it look like? Don’t be factual or sell yourself short; dream big. What do you really want? It’s okay if you don’t accomplish your vision in the future and actually the objective is to set the bar so high that you probably won’t. But creating a grand vision allows you to strive for more and many times that’s all it takes to achieve more.

2) Is it hard to think about your future this way? It’s okay to not be sure about what you want. In this case think about someone you admire. What do you think their vision may be? This can then be your vision. Or get suggestions from people you know. Your vision can change later if you think of something better.

3) Next write it all down. Be as wordy as you’d like at first.

4) Review what you wrote. Are there separate categories and if so do you want more than one vision? You can have one for your professional life or business; and one for your personal life. Or sometimes you will see a similarity in both and make one vision that includes those.

5) Can you begin to notice a theme or way to summarize your vision into an easy to remember statement? If not, just make sure your written statement is somewhere to view on a daily basis. Writing a vision statement and sticking it in a folder helps, but having it fresh in your mind will guide you better through they day. Aligning your actions with your vision is important.

Make your life journey as fun and productive as possible. Have a grand vision and keep your expectations reasonable. That way you will continue to strive and not be discouraged when things do not go as planned. If your vision is important enough to you, you will find new and creative ways to make it happen when you hit those bumps in the road. And if that bump gives you a flat tire you simply fix it and move on.


Jenny Gallagher has twenty-one years of experience in the health care industry and has been in business for herself for the past eight years. Her vision is success and well-being for all who desire it and her mission is to foster and encourage positive thought and action.

Article Source:

Jenny offers individual and group coaching, which is done over the phone so location is never an issue. She is a radio talk show host and The Jenny Gallagher Show Your Wellness Coach can be found on every Tuesday through Friday from noon to 1:00 eastern time.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Week 7 - Purpose

Have you ever asked yourself "Why am I here". Paramahansa Yogananda believes it is very good karma to even ask this question. If you have asked yourself this question then you are contemplating your purpose.

One of my favorite teachers is Aadil Palkhivala who travels the world teaching. I went to one of his workshops and he talked about the '4 step process for why we exist' which I will try to give a very high-level description of.
1 = Life mission (purpose) Note: This is different then what I call a mission which is how you will accomplish your purpose (we will talk about that in 2 weeks)
2 = Acquisition of wealth
3 = Pursuit of pleasure
4 = Spirituality
Your life mission is most important and the other 3 will vary depending on this. Your life mission (purpose) is different than that for other people. If you are someone who's life mission is to care for others (lets say you have to work 10 hours a day to provide for family). Then your #2-4 will be different than that of someone who's life mission is to be a spiritual leader. For the first person they may require very little (if any) spirituality to fulfil their purpose and maybe more wealth.

Your challenge:
Write down what you think your purpose is. Even if you have done this in the past take a moment to re-evaluate because it may have changed. That's it.

What I'm working on:
I always say my purpose is to live in alignment with my vision and mission. My vision is "Success and well being for all who desire it". My vision is big and encompasses my personal and professional life. My mission is "To foster and encourage positive thought and action". Just because I strive for grand objectives does not mean I am perfect. Those that know me best know I can be angry, moody and judgemental. I'm sure they would even throw a few other words in. But I still want to work on improving myself each day. I had a friend say once that this is what she admired most about me. My flaws are why I strive each day to develop myself personally and why I try to support those around me.

Have a fantastic week and please share with us!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Week 6 - Results

I decided to throw this in and move forward with my planned challenges starting next week. Why? Because as I mentioned last week with Action you may or may not be getting results at this point. If you are then congratulations! Hopefully you are beginning to experience all of the benefits from your success.

The way we measure success is from results. You set out a course, follow it, and you get results. Sometimes the results are what you had hoped for and sometimes not. The unexpected results can be better then you imagined, or can fall short. My greatest desire is for you to get good, no great, results. When you do you will feel more confident and happier. Happiness and joy allow you to have a sense of well being which helps to keep you healthy. Only things that are in a state of imbalance are turbulent and destructive. We are creators.

Create a list of your results since you have started. Don't think any successes are too small. Any little thing that has come about from your work deserves credit including still reading this blog. My brother Dan is around Day 30 of quitting smoking. Talk about a success story!

I was in FL for 12 days to get the condo on the market. My list of tasks was long and some how I managed to stay with it. As I mentioned last week I also had the help of family and contractors and cannot thank them enough. We have a great Realtor and are getting a good response. Hopefully my hard work will pay off. Having a goal to sell a condo in FL in a down market can feel like a long-shot but that just made me work harder at making sure the place would sparkle. And we did some staging. No wires anywhere, the dining room table is set with pretty new dishes and napkins, silk flowers, etc. Now we wait...

I also heard from my Publisher. Surprisingly they did not ask me to change my title of Yen Path but did ask me to change the subtitle which will now be Taking Steps Towards What You Want In Life. They wanted it to be more descriptive. I'm okay with that.

My third goal of staying grounded and rested has been the biggest challenge but yesterday was very relaxing. Today will be too and tomorrow is my 50th birthday which I am actually looking forward to. I almost feel like my husband and I are moving into the phase of our lives that we were meant for. :)

Okay that's it for now so create your list and share your results with us. I'd love to hear from you.

All the best and Live Well!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Week 5 Challenge - Action!

Maybe by now; or in the near future; you will start to notice you are losing interest in your goal. Why does that happen? If its important enough to set a goal around then its probably worth striving for so this weeks challenge will provide tips to keep you moving.

Action is the key word. Whether you are actually doing something or preparing to do something counts. Maybe now is a time for reflection, gaining new insight, getting new information, saving money or making the space in your life for the goal. Again; it all counts so use that as a motivator and stay on track.

If you've read my book Four Steps to a Better Life you know that Action is the third step. Without action the first two steps would be a waste of time and step 4 would never happen. All you will have is regret if you put off important goals. If you want to purchase a copy of the book for $9.95 you can go to

The Challenge:

Think of at least one thing you will promise to complete this week. Here are some ideas:

-Do you want to take some time to reflect? You can do this yourself or find someone you can talk to. Or journal. Schedule time with someone now or block off time to journal in the next few days.

-If you are not sure why you are not getting the results you want step back for a moment and consider a new approach. This may require gaining new insight or learning a new approach. Do some research or talk to other people that have been successful with a similar goal. It can really help. Continuing to do something the same way when you are not getting good results is a waste of time. For example; maybe you aren't meant to 'diet'. Maybe instead you should try eating only whole foods or getting more movement in your day. Maybe you need to play vs. exercise. Pick something to do and block off some time to do it. Note: The challenges in the next few weeks will help you to gain better clarity around your goal, and that will also help.

-Do you feel like something is missing? Find the resources you need whether its people, money, supplies, and so on. Don't struggle if you don't have to and you don't have to. Make this as easy as possible. If your goal was to start saving money but you are finding it hard work then think of little things you can do to reward yourself. Ask friends or family to acknowledge your good efforts. That may sound funny but people would love to tell you they are proud of you and that can help a lot. Or visualize what it is you want from your saving. You can even hang a picture to remind you. This may be a new car or a picture of a pile of money to remind you of your desired nest egg. This week find the picture or ask your friend or family member to acknowledge your effort.

Those are just a few ideas. Please post and share your ideas. We'd love to hear from you! FYI - I know this post is a little early but I will be away this weekend and wanted to make sure to get this out by Monday 7/19. If you want you can start now or wait. Have this challenge completed in one week from your start date.

What I'm working on:

I'm still in FL getting the condo ready to go on the market. One of my goals (and my husbands) is to sell our two condos and buy a home. I have a list a mile long of things to accomplish and I am chipping away at it. My family is amazing. My sister, nephew and his wife, Dad, Aunt and cousins have all been pitching in. When I do move my Mom has already offered to help and my sister-in-law Patty called yesterday to offer her assistance as well. My husband is back home working, taking care of the pets and getting that condo ready to go on the market. I cannot tell you how much it means to me that I have such a great support system.

Then yesterday I got an email from my husband telling me a new home went on the market in Sarasota that I may be interested in. I absolutely love this home and will drive the 3 hours to the west coast of FL this Friday to meet with the Realtor. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

My second goal (completing Yen Path: Awakening Your Heart's Desire) has already moved into the publishing phase. I got a publisher and the contract is signed. They have the manuscript and in a few weeks I will start working with their editor. The fact that I even got a publisher is still surreal. I'm thrilled and looking forward to the projected August 2011 release.

My third goal (staying grounded while I work on two big goals) is going okay. I haven't been getting much sleep which is not good for me but I've been happy and having fun with my family so that helps. This morning I went to a yoga class and used the elliptical and plan on having a clean diet this week.

So that's it for now. The Week 6 Challenge will be posted on or before 7/25 so you can start on it on 7/25 (which by the way will be my 50th birthday).

All the best and Live Well!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Week 4 Challenge - Resolve


It's funny that this week I wanted to talk about resolve. One of my goals for the 52Week Challenge is to sell the Florida condo and I arrived last night ready to accomplish a multitude of tasks. It will be close to a miracle to accomplish everything I want to but there are lots of hours in the day and I am ready for the challenge.

But when I walked into a very hot condo last night I realized I had a new to-do item. And as I sit here typing almost 24 hours later I am trying to relax and find my resolve. It would be easy to say "I'm hot and don't want to do any of this now". (Plus I also noticed two other things so my list is growing not shrinking).

How amazing that this is exactly what I wanted to talk about even before these things started happening. Sometimes when you get going with a goal you may feel like it is "2 steps forward and 1 step back". Resolve is a character I admire in people. It's that stick-to-it attitude. Throwing your arms in the air and giving up doesn't accomplish anything.

Frustration is to be expected. These are hurdles you can either leap over or find a creative way to get around. Don't succumb to frustration or fear (of success or failure). Be courageous and steadfast. I will paraphrase something I heard my brother Dan say the other day that I really admire. Sometimes its just standing up for what you want that is the win. Now that's resolve! That's the attitude that will move mountains and even if it doesn't you will look back and say "I showed up".

It's not just fear or frustration that can hold you back. It can also be something like guilt. Watch when you say "I should" or "I shouldn't". It usually means some guilt is sneaking in and that can pull you off track too. Stick with it! You can make adjustments as you navigate your way towards your goal; just don't give up.

The reason I wanted to talk about resolve now is because starting next week we will be getting into some challenges that will make you think a bit. Sometimes that can derail you all on its own. Let's get ready and toughen up a bit. Let's be confident and keep plugging away. You may even find it's kind of exciting.

The Challenge

Your challenge for this week is simple: Understand s*%# happens. And when it does breathe through it, shake it off, chill out, talk about it, write about it, laugh about it... You get the idea.

Have a great week and share with us by posting a comment.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Week Three Challenge

The Challenge

This week I want you to build your network. This will help you to stay motivated over the weeks ahead. I'm going to simply give you some ideas and if you want to add additional ideas please feel free to do so.

Relationships are a very important part of our existence. It is possible you will want to create new relationships or find those people that share your passion for creating positive change. If you want to read my latest post on relationships you can go to

Here are my ideas:
-Mentors: Mentors are people you admire that have already proven their success in your eyes. Ask them to mentor you through your process. They will probably feel honored and it doesn't take much time. Just occassional check-ins where you can ask for their opinion.

-Mastermind partners: Find one or two people that share your interest and meet weekly. This will keep you motivated and you can share ideas. They will keep you on track and will point out if you are starting to fall behind.

-Coaches: We are trained to help you get results. So if all else fails hire someone to help you get going. It may make a profound difference in your life.

-Friends and family: Use them! They will help keep you on track and will celebrate your successes. If this doesn't sound like the people you know then use the other ideas I mentioned above. :)

-Network on-line: Like with this blog. We are here to help.

Take ownership; don't blame others and most importantly have fun!

What I'm working on:

BTW - My update for last week. I already got a cold. A good sign I need to keep up on my goal #3 and stay grounded and take care of myself. But I do have a book deal in the making and the FL condo is about ready to go on the market. Lots of progress but now time for some rest.

My networks: I have a mastermind partner that I have been working with for a year and a half. Prior to that I was working with a coach. And I have great friends and family that keep my honest. They are not afraid to tell me when I am bluffing. Have you ever done that? Have you ever made a statement about yourself and made a friend or family member burst out laughing? Good reality checks are hard to come by. Brush off the sting and laugh about it. It's okay to let your ego build up but sometimes we need it brought back to reality a little bit.

Have a great week!!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Week Two Challenge


I am doing the week 2 post a bit early just because I have some time today. If you are still working on your Week One Challenge then stay with it and when you are ready go ahead and get started.

Before we move forward I think it is important to clarify my intention. When I say positive thought can profoundly change your world I mean it. However I understand there are real hardships and struggles we all face and they require time to digest, process and assimilate. Yes positive thought can make a difference with the real struggles but my intention is to stop bad habits. Many of us have a genuine situation that causes us to be fearful, angry, sad, etc. But there comes a point when you should be able to move on. Life doesn't need to harden you. You may do this because you think you are protecting yourself but in fact you are hurting yourself by eliminating the opportunity to bring joy back into your life.

Week Two Challenge - Practice Right Thinking

Now that you have your goals from last week have you hit any hurdles like negative self-talk or judgements (from yourself or others)? Do you feel the need to settle and make your goals smaller? If so please take a moment to re-evaluate your goal(s) and make them bigger. Please don't settle.

Next think about what you consider to be failures in your past and see if you can uncover some self-defeating practices like self-sabotage. It's easy to blame your failures on others or complain but this is how you undermine yourself so stop it. Learn from the past and move forward in a fresh new way. Don't repeat the same mistakes.

Here's a common example - Your goal is to lose weight (FYI - We'll talk another week about good goal wording which this is not however it is a common phrase). You start to be successful and you start to look and feel better. You begin to get positive attention. And then you revert back to your old ways and gain the weight back. There are many reasons this can happen but for this example I want to talk about self-sabotage. When you look better (or are more successful in some way) your identity changes and you need to be clear about who you want to be. Don't worry about what people may be saying about you (good or bad). Lead by creating a good example and know if people are jealous it's because they want what you have. Be kind to them and to yourself. Stay on track with your goals and tell them to join our challenge.

To keep it simple for now this is all I ask. Think about the past failures so you will not repeat them and instead create a new image right now. See your beauty and be comfortable and happy with it now. Imagine how you will move through your day. Role playing in your minds eye will help you navigate more easily in reality. This is how you can use the concept of right thinking to help align with your goal(s) before we move any further. If you want more information on right thinking you can go to my other blog at

What I'm working on:

A common way I can create failure with my goals is by what is known by runners as "hitting the wall". I start the race (my goal) too strong and simply run out of steam. For me my right-thinking shift is from total excitement to one of feeling grounded. I need to remind myself to take time out to rest and regroup. I need to pace myself. So right when I feel like going full throttle I take a deep breath and slow down. I find it helps to strategize. If you want my Strategizing Worksheet you can purchase my first book Four Steps to a Better Life for $9.95

Okay have a great week and be sure to share your ideas, goals, successes...

Live Well.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Week One Challenge

Hello and welcome.

Our start date is just two days away so I doing the posting now. As I mentioned each week I will share an idea, or objective you can work on with me. We will call it our challenge because I don't know about you but I'm always up for a fun, new challenge. I don't think of a challenge as hard; just exciting. It helps me to show up and step up.

Over the next 52 weeks we must each follow our own path but I hope you will find that having like-minded individuals working together towards their success and wellness with you will make a profound difference. The journey is meant to be fun and uplifting. You are invited to share this challenge with people you think may be interested. Please make sure to sign up today so you can post your results. Sharing your successes and failures allows you help others. And the act of writing helps you to gain insight.

Each week I will post a challenge we can all work on. If there is something you would prefer to do it then again just share your ideas and outcomes. I would love to hear from you.

Week One Challenge:
Write down your goal(s) that you want to accomplish by next year at this time. Just by writing your goal down increases the likelihood that you will succeed. Recently I was cleaning out some folders and found a list I made years ago; long before I even knew anything about life coaching. Can you believe everything on that list I not only accomplished but exceeded? There were things on the list I didn't even remember wanting that long ago. I wanted a home on a lake or a beach -- got it. I wanted to earn a certain amount of money -- almost doubled it. Go ahead and write down your goals. That may seem like a simple challenge for the week and that's good. Baby steps will get us there. In future weeks we will talk about good goal wording, vision statements and so on; so you may rewrite your goals later which is fine.

What I'm working on:
I have three goals for this year. The first is that my husband and I want to sell both of our condos and move into our new dream home. The second is to complete the editing for the Yen Path: Awaken Your Heart's Desire manuscript (which is complete) and move into the publishing/promotion phase. As I thought about my goals this morning on the elliptical at the gym I realized both will take a lot of focus. This helped me to realize I need a third goal which is to engage in activities that will keep me feeling grounded and healthy . Too much change can leave us feeling unraveled so you may want to consider adding this goal as well. For me self care (good nutrition, gentle exercise, yoga, massage, facials and quiet) plus fun times with family and friends should create a good balance for me.

Over the next 52 weeks obstacles will come up. Sometimes you must stop to tend to these things and sometimes you must identify them as a distraction and stay focused. If you feel unsure ask people you trust for their support.

Now we begin on our journey. Yen Path will lead you to amazing opportunties if you just let it. This is your path but is also mine. One I have spent a lifetime developing. I believe you will benefit from my approach; my method. Let's get started!

All the best and Live Well. Jenny

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Welcome Yen Path

Hello and welcome.

I am in the process of creating a new series of books, products and services to help people reconnect with what's important to them in life. For more information on Yen Path you can go to

The intention of this blog is to start a journey with you. Each week I will post an idea for you to try with me. You will receive the information; and hopefully the motivation you need to get going on a goal of yours. At the end of the week I will post my results and I encourage you to do the same.

If you stay with me at the end of the 52 weeks - just one year! You will hopefully notice significant positive change.

We will get started on the first day of summer. June 21st seemed like the perfect day to start. Summer moves us into a time of year where we naturally feel more motivated. You may be thinking "but I don't want to work over the summer". My response would be if you believe this is work then you are not ready. This is meant to be fun; just think of the possibilities! Aren't you ready to stop settling and to live the life you were meant to live?