Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 11- Getting Unstuck!

This weeks challenge is by request. Anytime you are interested in something in particular please let me know. So here goes.

First lets define what stuck is as it relates to goals. To me it means two things. 1) You feel a sense of dissatisfaction as it relates to your progress. The good news here is that you are not really stuck; but you just aren't getting the results you want and this is what our challenge will focus on today. Note: Since we are using a feeling as the gauge please realize it is possible to first shift your feelings to one of accomplishment. So start by taking some time to write down the things you have accomplished. Maybe all you need is a re-framing of how you are thinking about things. But if not read on.
2) You are unaware that a change is needed. This is not any of you because these individuals are not here reading this blog right now. So congrats! You are way ahead of the game.

Let's talk about dissatisfaction then. How can you harness that energy and get moving again? Imagine your car is stuck in the snow. What you need to do is to create momentum. Hopefully you can find someone to help push from behind as you press a bit on the gas. With energy you create with this team work you may its easy to get out of a situation you otherwise would not have been able to do.

The Challenge:
It's time to create more clarity. This could mean re-reading some past challenges like Week 2 (Right Thinking), Week 3 (Creating your Network), Week 5 (Action), Week 7-9 (Vision, Mission, Purpose), Week 10 (Good Goal Wording). Or it could mean it's time for you to talk to someone else about what it is you are trying to accomplish. Getting their perspective/insights may help. Or hire a life coach to help. When we are stuck we need help! And it's okay to ask for it. Your challenge this week is to try one more time on your own and/or seek assistance and/or re-frame like I mentioned under #1 above. Call me if you want. I am here for you. FYI - Next weeks challenge will be to Examine Beliefs, Week 13 will be about Unmet Needs and Week 14 will be about Planning. Each challenge is meant to give you an additional tool so you can get the results you desire. Keep at it! Remember - If you are here reading this you are not as stuck as you think :)

What I'm working on:
I've been so busy its hard for me to dedicate my time to exercise; which I know is important for me to stay healthy and grounded (part of my 3rd goal). Part of what I have done is re-frame; when I'm busy is not the time to "push" myself into the gym; so I need to relax and feel good about the walks and gentle forms of exercise I am getting. The other thing I want to work on this week is cleaning up my diet. When I get busy I tend to eat more processed foods (and eat out more). This week I will be enjoying fresh, whole foods. That should help with my energy. I have also been going for acupuncture. I find this relaxing and helps prevent onset of illness (like colds) that can happen when my stress levels increase.

I hope that you find this weeks challenge helpful. Have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Today I will talk to someone about what it is I am trying to accomplish. That is a good point, Jenny. I don't think I am stuck, but it will bring some much needed clarity to my goal
    My goal of living more simply is hard to grasp sometimes, yet I know it does not mean giving up as much as it may mean holding closer. It is bringing about an attitudinal change.
