Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 32 - Meditation

Don't worry -- if you aren't used to this I'll make it easy!

The Challenge: Be mindful. That is a great place to start. You may notice you focus on what you are doing or the absence of "doing". In other words; meditation practices vary. In the 8 limbs of yoga one limb is concentation; because focusing on one thing can be easier than focusing on nothing. Meditation is also one of the 8 limbs. Here you begin to notice the gaps between the thoughts. Explore and find peace. Hopefully you will find this practice relaxing and healing.

What I am working on:
Again today I realized how easy it is for me to be in the future. I am a planner and that can make it hard to be present sometimes. I find it is easiest on my walks to be present. I spend time every day (even if just for a few moments) focusing on only my breath.


  1. Focusing on your breath is very basic and helpful. Try to make your breath deeper and slower and quieter and more rhythmic. Then add awareness of your heart area. You can place your hand over your heart to draw attention there or just think about your heart area while breathing. Imagine the breath flowing in and out of the heart area. Feel the gratitude that you get from giving your heart your attention.
    Peace, Curtis at Healthy Heart Meditation

  2. What a great tip for those times sleep just will not come easily.
