Monday, October 11, 2010

Week 17 - Self Care

When was the last time you did something just for yourself? I'm going to hope you can think of something you have done recently; or maybe even several things. But if I had to guess you are the type of person that takes pride in doing for others. Your day is full of commitments and just working and/or taking care of a family can fill up your day.

Plus most of us believe that self care is being selfish and frivolous. Do you feel guilty when you are taking care of yourself? If so this challenge is for you. I believe self care helps you to be selfless and better able to take care of others. If you feel resentful about your commitments its time to take care of yourself. You are like a car running on empty and you need to fill up. When you do you can reconnect with the joy and enjoyment of your daily commitments. You will be a better in all that you do because you now have the energy for those things.

The challenge:

1) Examine your feelings and where you feel struggle in your life. Write down some key words that describe your feelings and struggle. Here are some examples: Do you hate your job? Do you feel resentment towards someone? Did you let yourself down in some way?

2) Close your eyes and relax. Then image your perfect self, job, relationships... This alone is a form of self care. When you let yourself relax and see perfection you are allowing the universal law of attraction to work with; not against you. Don't worry about how to make it happen; just see it in your minds eye.

3) Write down something you can do to take care of yourself. This may be taking a hot bath, going for a walk, getting a massage or facial, doing your nails or planning a fun activity.

What I'm working on:

With my move, my book, co-founding, my business, my pets, etc. I have been extra busy and that's not going to change for a while. My nails are broken and I am in desperate need of a haircut, so I will try to find places in my new town to get these services. I found a great yoga studio last week and plan on going back for a few more classes. If I can get the algae out of my pool I will go for a swim and spend time with my pets and my husband. My mom has been here this week which was a huge help with unpacking so today we will be spending most of today out shopping, having dinner and going for a walk on Lido Key.

Make the most out of your week. Have some fun so you can be your best.

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