Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 16 - Movement

Hello. I find it funny that I had selected movement for this week (back in June) and in fact this is the week after a lot of movement for myself and my family. My husband and I just completed our cross country drive from Portland OR to Sarasota FL with our two chihuahuas and two cats. The trip was a lot of fun and they all enjoyed staying in hotels :)

The reason I selected movement as a challenge is because of it's importance in a variety of ways. You need movement to stay alive; both physical movement and for progression through life. Without movement you would not last very long; it helps you to satisfy basic needs like finding food and shelter, and much more.

Lets talk about physical movement first. When you do not move enough you may notice you get stiff. This is the first sign inertia is setting in. Movement is life. Even when you are physically still in meditation there is a growth opportunity and therefore that is progression (or movement); not inertia. Things with no movement stagnate and die; including your dreams. This leads me to our challenge.

The Challenge:

1) Think about areas of your life where you have stagnated and why.

2) Write down 3 things you can do to bring about positive change in these areas.

3) Commit to a start date and stick with it. The hardest part of inertia is it takes more effort at first to get going. It will get easier.

What I'm working on:

While we drove far and moved into our new home I have not had an opportunity to exercise as much as I would have liked but now the problem is I don't feel like exercising. I'm physically tired and also have other things I feel like I need to do with my time. While I have lots of great positive movement in my life my focus needs to be physical exercise this week. I will start gently. My 3 changes will be long walks outside, short runs on my treadmill and going to a 90 minute yoga class on Wednesday.

Okay that is it! Have fun and enjoy your week.

1 comment:

  1. Movement and Self-Care. Yes, almost like a paradox. One of the world, one simply quiet.
    I loved being in Florida. The great birds thrill me, the mist over the lake where alligators thrive seemed otherworldly.
    Being in a new space with a loved one, and precious animal companions was both "movement and self-care". I can't help but think that life is so rich.
