Saturday, May 7, 2011

Week 47 - The Mothers Day Challenge

I like that Mother's Day is this time of year because the weather if finally getting nice and it feels like a time of renewal.

And Happy Mother's Day to all you mom's out there!

Special thanks to my mom who has been my biggest supporter. Mom - I cannot tell you how helpful it has been to have your support always but in particular as I get my baby; Yen Path ready to meet the world.

The Challenge:

1) Think about what you consider to be the most important 'mother' qualities (e.g., being loving, caring, a good listener, protector, etc) and write a few down that seem the most important to you.

2) Think about how you can exhibit those qualities this week. Sounds simple, doesn't it? But in fact most of these qualities are selfless and that isn't always so simple. In fact I wonder if most of the time we exhibit child qualities (e.g. 'me', 'I want'...). Are you a giver or taker? Of course we are both but think about where you can make a few improvements.

3) Write down not only the qualities you want to work on but provide the details. Who, how, where and when. Even if it is something that will not happen for a few weeks make sure you have your plan and then do you you commit to.

4) Tell as many people as possible to do the same. You can ask them to read this blog post or simply share the idea; which is simply to do something for someone else. No strings attached.

What I'm working on:

One of my goals throughout this challenge has been the completion of Yen Path: Taking Steps Towards What You Want in Life. June 1, 2011 is the release (birth) date. Make sure to order your copy now either on Amazon (Kindle is available) or you can purchase a signed copy from me. Just email me at

Yen Path has been part of my way to show my compassion for others. I believe there is a lot of self induced suffering and it is simply because no one ever taught us how to deal with many of life's challenges. My book provides a method that can be followed from start to finish; or the reader can flip through and find one exercise to do for that day. It is meant to nurture, educate, motivate and calm (good mother qualities) people that are over committed, stressed out, or unhappy. If you are focusing on unhappy thoughts you are going the wrong way on your path and will never achieve your goals. I can help you shift.

You will begin to see the possibilities that only we can create from not just positive thought but positive feeling. There lies the secret to well being and success.

With only a few weeks of the challenge left I want to say it has been a pleasure writing each week and I hope it shows I really do care. I am here for you! So go for it and have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Good morning and thanks for the "mothering" this past year. Surely this has been a nurturing time. Being faithful to this challenge has provided a different "earth consciousness". My hope, my goal was to live more simply, what it has helped to grow inside is a deeper love and concern about all life. At the beginning I read this quote from a zen master," listen to insects and human voices with the same ears". I'll keep trying for that may be the essence of my life.
