Monday, February 7, 2011

Week 34 - Beauty

It can be easy to focus on beauty in the springtime when flowers are blooming and the days are long. There is the promise of hope when everything feels fresh and new. However you can almost always find beauty and when you do it can lift your spirits. I know winter has been challenging with all the snow and ice so lets lift those spirits!

The Challenge:
It can be easy to focus on struggle because it has a way of grabbing your attention. In my yoga classes when my students are in a challenging pose I first make sure everyone is in a safe posture and then ask them to shift their focus to an area of the body that feels completely at ease. The shift in focus can help you notice what's pleasant.

Ask yourself "What do I want to attract?" If you focus on the negative, the struggle, the ugly, the work... then that is what you are attracting. Today; and all week I want you to seek out beauty. For example; instead of looking at the tons of snow outside maybe you will find a single beautiful snow flake on the window. Or maybe instead of focusing on the abundance of darkness you can celebrate the light when it arrives. If you are unable to do things you love take time to not only remember past experiences but makes some plans for the future.

What I'm working on:
Since I now live in FL I have been fortunate to enjoy mild weather but I have been hibernating in a way because of my work load. Yes I get out to exercise or go to a yoga class in the mornings but that has even been feeling like a 'to-do'. With my book release date moving up two months and other opportunities and challenges that I am dealing with I have almost no free time. I don't mind because what is keeping me busy are my goals and I am thrilled they are manifesting.

What I have been acutely aware of recently is the beauty I see in the eyes of others. It really makes me stop as for a brief moment I notice their inner beauty. Some eyes sparkle and when they do I quietly rejoice in their moment of peace, happiness, or success. And whenever possible I will acknowledge someone for a beautiful quality that I see in them. When I do I notice their spirits lift and that is also beautiful.

Update on Yen Path: Taking Steps Towards What You Want in Life
The new release date is June 1, 2011 and you can pre-order your copy now on Amazon. Just search on my name or the book title to find it.

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