Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 36 - Introspection

It can be easy to get caught up in the external stimulus of every day life. Especially with cell phones that can keep us up-to-date on email, test messages, news, events, etc. Like Pavlov's dogs we've become conditioned to respond immediately when we hear a sound. Technology has allowed us to constantly stay connected; but with what? Being more connected to the outside world can leave you feeling over worked, tired, overwhelmed, anxious...

The Challenge:
1) Take at least a half an hour each day (maybe longer) to turn off your cell phone. Obviously don't do this if you work at a hospital and are on call but you get the idea. Allow yourself some time to 'unplug' and check-in.

2) Sit quietly with no television, radio, computer... Or if you would prefer go for a walk. If you want to be in the company of a person or pet that is fine but if you do talk make sure the conversation allows for introspection.

3) Ask yourself (or each other if you have a buddy you want to do this with) the following question: How do I feel? At first your mind may start with the negative feelings; like a headache or earlier disagreement with someone. Acknowledge those feelings briefly and then move on to what feels right. If for example you do have a headache then you may want to focus on how you can feel better and/or notice how many other parts of the body are feeling just fine. As I've said before, these are your quiet supporters so acknowledge them and give thanks. If you notice you have a negative thought consider how you can shift that to a positive thought. For example, is there a lesson you have learned or some advantage? If not find another way to conjure up a positive thought and stay with that for a while.

What I am working on:
My husband and I learned from our trainer that our puppy's failures are ours. If Nitro does have an accident in the house Jody and I have learned to immediately focus on where we failed. This helps us to create success for all of us. While it may seem we are focusing on the negative we are actually being introspective as we examine what really happened and how to improve.

This can be more challenging when examining 'bigger failures' however these lead to our biggest successes. For example I am reminded yet again that my passion can get me into trouble. I can be "too intense" and seem pushy with my agenda. And my passion to help others can lead me to doing for them instead of letting them do for themselves. In particular I am referring to a past business partner and I've really had to stop to consider how I can improve.

That's it for now. Turn off your cell phone and computer now. :)

1 comment:

  1. You're so right. The earth is the best teacher and it is hard to listen to her when the cell phone is at the ear, even when one is taking a walk. Good tip, off goes the computer.
